Two French of Armenian origin in entourage of Nicolas Sarkozy

Two French of Armenian origin in entourage of Nicolas Sarkozy
19.05.2007 12:12

While some thought of seeing Patrick Devedjian, former political
councilor of Nicloas Sarkozy, to become member of François Fillon’s
government, named on May 16, another Frenchman of Armenian origin,
Roger Karoutchi enters to the post of Secretary of State in charge of
the relations with Parliament, independent correspondent Jean Eckian
informs from Paris.

Roger Karoutchi, of Armenian-Jewish, born in Casablanca (Morocco) in
1951, is aggregate of History and has a Master’s Right. After a long
political career started in 1977 parallel to the creation of RPR,
political party inherited of the "Gaullism", he was a Senator since
1999. Roger Karoutchi is resolutely against the entry of Turkey in
European Union and request to the Turkey to recognize the Armenian

As for Patrick Devedjian, former Minister of Industry, he becomes the
Secretary of UMP on proposal of the French President. He should also
become President of the general Council of the Hauts-de-Seine area.