Ethnic Armenian France Secretary of State for relations with NA


Ethnic Armenian appointed France’s Secretary of State for relations
with Parliament
21.05.2007 13:42 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Ethnic Armenian Roger Karoutchi was appointed
France’s Secretary of State for relations with Parliament.

French independent journalist Jean Eckian told PanARMENIAN.Net that
Roger Karoutchi, born in Casablanca (Morocco) in 1951, started his
political career in 1977. Since 1999 he has been a member of the
French Senate. Mr Karoutchi, being resolutely against Turkey’s
accession to the European Union, urges Turkey to recognize the
Armenian Genocide.

Former Industry Minister of France Patrick Devedjian will assume the
post of Secretary General of the ruling UMP party. This post was
vacant after former UMP leader Nicolas Sarkozy was elected France’s
new President. At the meeting with Devedjian on May 17 Sarkozy noted
that charges him with the job of the party leader and thus puts a
great responsibility on Devedjian. Sarkozy also wished the ex-Minister
of Industry to take his new responsibilities as soon as possible.

May 18 the newly elected French President formed the new government,
which includes 15 ministers. Seven ministers are women. Particularly
ex-Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie is appointed Minister of
Interior and Overseas Territories. Rachida Dati is appointed Justice
Minister. Socialist Bernard Kouchner received the portfolio of Foreign
Minister. Herve Morin became the Defense Minister.