The Refugee Community of Mrgashen will have a Renovated Kindergarten

Hayastan All-Armenian Fund
Governmental Buiding 3, Yerevan, RA
Contact: Lusine Mnatsakanyan
Tel: 3741 56 0106
Fax: 3741 52 15 05
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.himnadram. org

The Refugee Community of Mrgashen will have a Renovated Kindergarten

In February 2007 major reconstruction works started in the kindergarten of
the Mrgashen village in Kotayk marz. Through the sponsorship of the French
local committee of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund (donors Anahit and Varujan
Tcheugurians) construction works of 58 million AMD will be carried out in
the kindergarten.
The kindergarten was built in 1964 and hadn’t been repaired since then.
Initially designed for 120 children, the kindergarten hosts 30 children
As of April, the roof of the building was reconstructed, new metal-plastic
windows were installed, and a gas pipeline was constructed. At present the
heating system and internal water pipelines are being installed and
refurbishing works are being carried out. By the end of the year the
building will have a new boiler-house, regular cold and hot water supply,
laundry, metal-plastic modern doors, laminate and ceramic covered floors.
Mrgashen has 2500 inhabitants – mainly refugees from Azerbaijan. The head of
the local community Aramais Aramyan thinks that this initiative is welcome
news both for children and parents; the latter will have more time for their
field work. He assured that 4 more groups will open in the kindergarten
after the reconstruction works. Children from neighboring village Nor
Artamed can also attend this kindergarten.