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Failure In Wrong Strategy


[03:03 pm] 22 May, 2007

"The procedures following the 12 May NA elections, as well as fraud
cases registered in a number of electoral districts on the voting day
verify that the elections cannot be considered free and fair, thus, the
results do not express the nation’s will",- says the announcement of
the "Justice" party. The bright examples of it are the concerns of the
"Justice" party’s proxies and alarms of members of other parties on the
rigging on. The council of the "Justice" party believes that failure
of the opposition is in the wrong strategy adopted by the opposition.

Since 2006 February the "Justice" party has been negotiating with
various opposition powers urging them to unite and set up ideological
blocks, giving the voters an opportunity to orientate in their choice.

"Then our concerns were accepted seriously; each political power aimed
at overcoming the barrier of 5 percent, despite forming a majority
in the NA. We deeply hope that during the forthcoming presidential
elections opposition parties will show responsibility, they will not
repeat previous mistakes and will unite around their ideology for the
sake of principle",- says the announcement. The party expresses its
gratitude to the RA citizens who did not become the victims of bribe
and were not afraid of administrative pressures and voted for the
"Justice" party". At the same time the party mentioned that it is
impossible to conduct democratic elections in Armenia in line with
international standards. The experience shows that no serious to proves
of double voting cases, bribe or law violation cases has been found,
the reason of which are "the incomplete laws".

Jalatian Sonya:
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