ANTELIAS: Event organized in honor of HH Aram I

Catholicosate of Cilicia
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Armenian version:


The Primate of the Diocese of Aleppo, Bishop Shahan Sarkissian, and the
Diocese’s governing bodies organized a public gathering on May 19 on the
occasion of His Holiness Aram I’s Pontifical visit to Syria. The event,
which took place in the "Yessayan" hall in Aleppo was organized in honor of
His Holiness, the Armenian Church, the Catholicosate of Cilicia’s holy
mission and its Seminary. The large public attendance of the event served as
a witness to the love, trust and faith that the Syrian Armenian community
has towards the Armenian Church and its Pontiff.

Among the unending claps of large crowd, the Catholicos took the podium to
deliver his speech. Referring to the previously made remarks about the
importance of Antelias, His Holiness said: "No matter how much we talk about
Antelias, it is not possible to wholly and accurately characterize its
crucial role in the life of the Armenian Church and nation particularly in
light of the situation resulting after the Armenian Genocide."

"The Cilician Seminary that was re-established in Antelias on 1930 played
and continues to play a pivotal role in the formation of Armenians.
Alongside its spiritual mission, it became an Armenian School through which
the Armenian alphabet flowered in the lives of generations. It became the
champion of restitution for our nation’s violated rights and for the
achievement of the dream of a free and sovereign Armenia. However, we do not
only look to the past and feel pride in the past; rather, strengthened by
the past we see the future and walk towards it with determination,"
emphasized the Catholicos.

During his speech the Pontiff also talked about the unity of the Armenian
nation around its national values and ideals. In this respect, he
particularly highlighted the role assumed by the Catholicosate of Cilicia.
"We will continue to exert efforts for our pan-national values and
interests. If we adopt lenient and wise approaches, and we do adopt them, we
do so consciously, bravely and only on the basis of our nation’s and
fatherland’s collective and chief interests," he said.

Prior to the Catholicos’ speech, Bishop Shahan delivered the opening
remarks during which he welcomed the Pontiff, "who today is a shining
presence on the Armenian Church with his unhesitating dedication and
service. Under his wise leadership, our church’s and nation’s ship is guided
safely to the shore."

The Bishop also spoke about the Antelias Seminary, which for over 75years
has provided important figures for the Armenian Church and nation, becoming
a spirit and breath in the lives of the new generations. The Bishop
particularly mentioned the later Catholicos Karekin I, "a fruit of the
Seminary in Antelias. Also, His Holiness Aram I, a graduate of the same
Seminary, became of the brightest figures of the Armenian Church and nation
with the skills of an internationally and ecumenically prominent leader.
Each graduate of the Antelias Seminary feels proud to have been formed under
that holy roof both as a man and as an Armenian."

The main speaker of the day, chairman of the Pontifical visit committee
Daron Avedissian, highlighted the important role of the Catholicosate of
Cilicia in four points. He first talked about the Holy See’s work in
spiritual, educational, cultural and national struggle-related fields. He
then looked at the Catholicosate’s irreplaceable role in the current life of
the Armenian Church and nation.

Avedissian stressed the importance of the Diaspora, rejected all claims
that it was "temporary, weakened or a feature of the past. All nations go
through conflicts. However, their will for struggle can’t be overcome. The
Diaspora has not weakened, neither has it been consumed up, nor has it
become a feature of the past."

The Vicar for Jezire, Rev. Fr. Masis Zobouyan, a former student of the
Antelias Seminary, spoke briefly about its mission in the formation of

The event included an entertainment part featuring performances by two
choirs and piano performances. The event concluded by the blessing of His

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