Burbank ANC Hosts Second Annual Banquet

Armenian National Committee of Burbank
361 E. Magnolia Boulevard, #C
Burbank, California 91502
Phone: 818 562 1918

May 23, 2007

Contact: Silva Kechichian
E-mail: [email protected]

Burbank ANC Hosts Second Annual Banquet
— Event Honors Local Leaders and Activists

Burbank, CA – The Armenian National Committee of Burbank welcomed over 300
local friends, activists, and community leaders for its second Annual
Banquet. The annual event reviewed the organization’s achievements in the
past year and introduced the Burbank ANC to the community. Hosted at the La
Bella Banquet Hall in Burbank, the event also honored local leaders and
Burbank ANC activists for their contributions to the community. CA State
Assembly Member, Paul Krekorian (D-43) – in whose district Burbank resides –
as well as former CA State Assembly Member Carol Liu (D-44) were joined by
Glendale City Clerk Ardashes Kassakhian, Burbank Mayor Marsha Ramos, Burbank
City Council members Dr. David Gordon, Gary Bric, Anja Reike, representing
Congressman Brad Sherman Debabneh Matthew, representing Senator Jack Scott,
Suzy Jacobs, Burbank Police Chief Thomas Heofel, Burbank Park, Recreation &
Community Services Director Eric Hansen, Burbank Library Services Director,
Sharon Cohen, Burbank Community Development Director Sue Georgino, Burbank
City Clerk, Marbarita Campos, BUSD Assistant Superintendent Human Resources,
Dr. Gave Soumakian, Burbank School Board Vice President, Larry Applebaum,
Burbank School Board Clerk, Dave Kemp, ARF Central Committee, Unger John
Kossakian and Unger Nazo Apanian, ANCA – WR Chairperson Raffi Hamparian,
ANCA – WR Executive Director Antranig Kzirian, ANCA – WR Community
Relations Director, Haig Hovsepian, representatives of the Asbarez Newspaper
and Horizon Television, representatives of local ARF, ANC, ARS & Homenetmen
chapters, Western Prelacy Very Rev. Khoren Habeshian & Diocese, Western
Diocese Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Dz. V. Yardemian, GUSD School Board member
Nayiri Nahabedian, and ACF Trust Fund Executive Director Mourad Hamparian.

Banquet committee chairwoman, Vicky Marashlian, opened the evening’s event,
welcomed those gathered, and introduced the evening’s Mistress of
Ceremonies, Miss Sevana Zetlian. She also thanked the banquet committee of
over a dozen volunteers who helped make the evening possible. Following
the performance of the American and Armenian national anthems by Miss Lorie
Bartamian, the Very Reverand Father Dajad Yardemian and Reverand Father
Khoren Habeshian delivered the invocation.

Dinner was followed by the screening of this year’s "Burbank ANC: A Year in
Review" video in which the organization and its activities were presented by
Burbank ANC committee chairs and members of the community with which the
organization had worked in the past year.

Dr. Arbi Ohanian, Chairman of the Burbank ANC briefly reviewed the
activities of the Armenian National Committee at the local, state, and
federal levels. He emphasized the grassroots nature of the organization and
how community members have worked with the Burbank ANC leadership to make a
difference in Burbank schools, community organizations, and city government.

The sentiments were echoed by Honorary Banquet chairman, CA State
Assemblymember Paul Krekorian (D-43). In his remarks, Krekorian, noted that
though the issues for which the ANC advocates may be on a large scale, he
remained impressed with and applauded the efforts of individual activists
and Armenian Americans who make a difference.

The Burbank ANC presented its annual Levon Shant, William Saroyan, and Vahan
Cardashian, awards. Burbank Police Chief, Thomas Hoefel was presented with
the Levon Shant Award, given annually to an individual who provides
exemplary service to the city of Burbank. Karo Ovasapian received the
William Saroyan award which recognized remarkable contributions by
individuals to the Armenian Cause in the context of their profession or

In a surprise move, Burbank ANC executive committee member Peter Musurlian
was presented the Vahan Cardashian Award. Musurlian, who had been told he
would be presenting the award was surprised to learn upon reaching the
podium that he was, in fact, the honoree himself. Musurlian, a long-time
Burbank ANC executive committee member and California native, was honored
for being the Burbank ANC activist of the year. In addition to serving as
station manager and senior producer of BTV6, Burbank’s government access
channel, Musurlian also serves as host to the award-winning program "Burbank
Magazine" and has chaired the Burbank ANC committee in the past. Musurlian
received the award for this leadership and support of the Armenian American

The keynote address for the evening was delivered by ANCA Executive
Director, Aram Hamparian. Hamparian detailed the accomplishments of the
Armenian National Committee at the federal level and in Washington, D.C.
during the past year. Touching on Ohanian’s and Krekorian’s earlier remarks
Hamparian pointed out that the collective activism at the local level helped
drive the issues in the nation’s capital.

The event also featured a traditional Armenian dance performance by the
Lilian Dance Studio.

In her closing remarks, Zetlian thanked the community for joining the
Burbank ANC for the evening’s event and for their continued activism. She
encouraged everyone to continue to support the efforts of the ANC to
advocate on issues of concern to Armenian Americans and build a stronger

"This year’s event was extremely successful. This was a testament to the
numerous volunteers that serve the community through the Burbank ANC. In
particular this was an exemplary effort by the tireless work of the banquet
committee," stated Ohanian.

The Armenian National Committee of America is the largest and most
influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in
coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout
the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA
actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad
range of issues.
