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Karabakh Presidential Aide Sees No Reasons For Optimism In Conflict


24 May 07

Yerevan, 24 May: The issue of refugees will not be settled at all if
the issue of Armenian refugees is not solved, Arman Melikyan, Nagornyy
Karabakh republic [NKR] president’s aide on foreign issues and former
NKR foreign minister, told a news conference [in Yerevan] today.

Commenting on today’s statement by OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs that "the
co-chairs do not differentiate refugees based on their ethnicity" and
that "refugees should be given the right to return to their former
places of residence," Melikyan said that it was the first time he
heard the co-chairs make such statement. He said it is possible that
the co-chairs have started to realize that Armenian refugees are
a serious factor and that ignoring them will make it impossible to
reach a solution to the conflict.

"Without settling the issue of Armenian refugees, the issue of refugees
will not be settled at all," Melikyan said. He said that if Armenian
refugees agree to return to Azerbaijan, then it will be possible to
speak about the return of Azerbaijanis [to Karabakh and probably to
Armenia]. "If not, it is necessary to think where these people will
live, where their new homeland will be.

In this context, the liberated territories are the most suitable
place," Melikyan said.

Asked about the negotiations process and possible optimism about
its outcome, Melikyan said that optimism can be shown when there is
specific results that Karabakh agrees with. "At this point, I think
it is too early to express optimist," he said. He added that it is
also too early to speak of individual components separately.

Commenting on Azerbaijani statements that time is working against
Armenia, Melikyan said that time is working for those who know how
to use it.

Melikyan also spoke of political developments in Armenia. "The
political force that has taken the real power and formed the majority
in parliament assumes the responsibility both for the process inside
the country and in the region. I think that this way or another, the
new parliament and the new cabinet should express their clear positions
on the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict settlement process as well."

Kanayan Tamar:
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