NKR Presidential Election Is A National Security Issue For Armenia


25-05-2007 17:05:40

The first representative of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic to Armenia, now
an expert of the Caucasus Center, stated May 25 at the Friday Club that
the NKR presidential election is not only the problem and business of
Karabakh but also a national security issue for Armenia. According to
him, for the time being the campaign is normal but there are concerns
stemming from the stance of the regime. Manvel Sargsyan thinks Armenia
should not interfere with the presidential election in Karabakh but
also should not be a mere observer. All the 3 million citizens of
Armenia should display lively interest in the presidential election.

Manvel Sargsyan said five candidates were nominated, and there are also
formal nominations. He noted that the nomination of the NKR deputy
foreign minister Masis Mayilyan, the former officer of the NKR army
Armen Abgaryan and the head of the NKR National Security Service Bako
Sahakyan allow stating that there is real alternative. "There is only
one problems. There must be equal opportunities, the society needs
to be active. No serious process should be held without a society. It
should not be left up to officials and the army."

However, the concerns mentioned by Manvel Sargsyan may create
hindrances. " The new president will appoint new people. Some people
are afraid of losing their positions." Manvel Sargsyan does not think
the Karabakh officials are better than the Armenian officials. Some of
them are even worse, but the unrecognized state holds them back. "An
official will never assume responsibility for the failure of the
country or ignition of war." At the same time, in Karabakh "formal
statements reminding the Soviet tradition are heard on supporting
the common candidate. It has no meaning, the reality is different,
and it is a tendency which will obstruct to holding an election with
a real alternative. I hope the society will create a situation and
all this will not cast a shadow on the election."

Manvel Sargsyan thinks unlike Armenia there is no government-society
watershed in Karabakh, however, the Karabakh government is not ready
for an election with an alternative and is not happy that the deputy
foreign minister of NKR is running in the presidential election. "I
want the election to take place: it does not matter who will be
elected. The elected government is very powerful. Arthur Mkrtichyan
was elected, and people from all over the world came to him. Arkady
Ghukasyan was made president, and nobody in the world knew him for
two years."