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Preliminary staff of the Armenian government outlined

Preliminary staff of the Armenian government outlined

2007-05-25 19:25:00

Republican Party of Armenia has already reached preliminary
arrangement with Prosperous Armenia party, ARF Dashnaktiutyun and
United Labour party on the government formation and the candidates to
the leading posts in the parliament. According to the made
arrangement, three portfolios will be given to the PA party and ARFD
each, and one – to the ULP, all the rest portfolios to the RPA.

Thus, according to the ArmInfo sources close to the RPA, the present
Minister of Territorial Administration Hovik Abrahamyan (RPA) will get
a post of the speaker of the National Assembly, Ishkhan Zakaryan
(Prosperous Armenia Party), the head of the Physical Culture and
Sports committee will become vice-speaker of the parliament. Vaan
Hovanisyan (ARFD) will again become vice-speaker of the
parliament. Justice Minister David Arutyunyan, Finances and Economy
minister Vardan Khachatryan, Industry and Economic Development
Minister Karen Chshmarityan and Ecology Minister Vardan Ayvazyan will
not preserve their ministerial portfolios. David Harutyunyan (RPA)
will become the head of Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs
in the new parliament, Vardan Khachatryan (RPA) – of Standing
committee on Financial-Credit, Budgetary and Economic Affairs, and Ara
Babloyan (RPA), head of medical centre "Arabkir" – of Standing
Committee on Social Affairs, Health Care and Environment.

Foreign minister Vardan Oskanyan, Defence Minister Mikael Arutyunyan,
Transport and Communication Andranik Manukyan (RPA), minister-head of
the government’s machinery Manouk Topyzyan will preserve their
ministerial portfolios. Karen Karapetyan (RPA), the head of deputy
group "People’s deputy" will become Territorial Administration
Minister. Hermine Nagdalyan (RPA), member of standing committee on
Finance-Credit, Budgetary and Economic affairs will become Finance and
Economy minister. The leader of the United Labour Party Gurgen
Arsenyan will become Industry and Economic Development
minister. Businessman Harutyun Pambukyan (RPA) will become Energy
Minister. Harutyun Kushkyan (Prosperous Armenia Party), director of
medical centers Erebuni and Nairi will become Health Minister. Deputy
chairwoman of Civil Service Council Arevik Petrosyan (PAP) will become
Ecology Minister. Tigran Mukuchayn, ex-deputy justice minister, will
become Justice minister. Vardan Vardanyan (PAP), deputy transport and
communication minister, will become Minister of Urban
Development. ARFD despite its earlier statement not to take a formal
part in the government formation, nevertheless entered in the staff of
executive power preserving three out of four ministerial
portfolios. They did not manage only to preserve the post of Health
Minister. Levon Lazarian will head Education Ministry, Agvan
Vardanyan – Labour and Social affairs Ministry and David Lokyan –
Agriculture Ministry. Members of the PAP will become governors of
Shirak and Kotayk regions.

Jalatian Sonya:
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