When They Damage The Party’s Reputation James Hakobyan


25-05-2007 12:06:32

The mayor of Gyumri certainly upset the leadership of the Republican
Party which was celebrating victory. He could have asked his son not
to leave the house over the upcoming few weeks, or to carry a gun. Or
if he could not ask, he could have `wrung his neck’ as he said in a
recent TV interview. If he could, he should have wrung his neck for a
couple of weeks until the Republican Party appointed the government,
distributed the government posts and got down to routine. After that
he could shoot as much as he wanted, whoever he wanted and wherever he
wanted. Vardan Ghukasyan did not grasp the importance of the
moment. The Republican Party has now offered a coalition business
proposal to other political forces. But these forces watch what the
relatives of the Republican activists do with the representatives of
forces which lost the election. They are not sure that the son of the
mayor of Gyumri who shoots at the son of the Bargavach Hayastan
activist, tomorrow will not shoot at the ARF activist or the United
Labor Party activist. Or that suddenly the same will not occur to the
relatives of the governor of Syunik, especially that anything occurs
to them. In other words, all the political forces which are
considering the proposal of the Republican Party will be guided by the
principle `make friends with the Republican Party but don’t let the
truncheon go.’ In other words, Vardan Ghukasyan and his family
disgraced the Republican `family’.

Now there is nothing the Republican Party can do but to sue Ghukasyan,
member of its council, for damaging the good reputation of the
party. And it is highly important that the court made Vardan Ghukasyan
compensate for such moral damage he did to the Republican Party that
Vardan Ghukasyan would have to sell all the jeeps, hummers and weapon
that belong to him and his family. Generally, this punishment should
be applied to all the analogous cases. Besides, the police and the
office of public prosecutor hardly ever manage to get facts to punish
wrongdoers. Therefore the problems should be viewed not from the angle
of being innocent or not but from the angle of defamation of a party
enjoying the trust of the majority of the population of Armenia. In
this case, what happens is already evidence to responsibility. There
will be no need to waste petrol and search the buses that were at the
TETSI Krug, the cars from which they shot at Stepan Zatikyan’s son,
the car that chased Givoyev, the car from which they shot at Vardan
Ghukasyan, the car from which Vardan Ghukasyan ‘s son shot, and the
car at which he shot. All these cars would gather at the car market
when their owners put them out to sale to make up for the damage they
had done to the good reputation of the Republican Party.

It is amazing that the national force upholding morality has never
thought about battling crime through this mechanism. But better late
than never. It is possible to solve the problem of the Republican
activists through morality until they have finally turned the party
into an island of immorality in the region. On the other hand,
however, the Republican Party’s elite does not have the moral right,
and those activists can sue the elite for the damage to their business
reputation. What is the problem? The problem is that those activists
consistently perform the instruction to guarantee the dominance of the
Republican Party over other political forces. Meanwhile, the Armenian
civilization has not invented other mechanisms for sustaining the
dominance of the Republican Party than shooting and
intimidating. Consequently, those activists ` conscientiously’ perform
their duties to their dear party. And if the party sues them for
defamation of the party’s good reputation, it thereby does damage to
their reputation. For no other party will hire them knowing that they
are self-defeating members and may do things which will defame the

It seems to be a difficult situation, a vicious circle. But there is
always a way out. It is necessary to set down shooting in the street
in the law. No doubt, the officials and their relatives will bid
farewell to arms right away because they are allergic to the law, they
suffer from genetic incompatibility with the law. If they know that by
shooting they obey the law, they will hate weapon forever and start
giving flowers to one another and to the citizens.