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Citizens Of Russia, Ukraine And Armenia Blacklisted In Estonia


Regnum, Russia
May 29 2007

The Estonian government denied access to the country to more than
2,000 people. The ban will be lifelong for 398 from the 2,013 mentioned
people. Most blacklisted citizens are from Russia they are followed by
non-citizens and citizens of Ukraine and Armenia, reports SL Õhtuleht

"The ban for entering the country is active for persons, who under some
reasons are unwelcomed or pose danger to the state. Illegal stay in
Estonia can be also a reason for being banned from the country," the
department for citizenship and migration says. According to Estonian
Justice Minister Rein Lang, on May 9 scaled riots had been planned
in Estonia in order to oust the government. The misniter suspects
that the plot of the riot was in Russia far long before the Bronze
Soldier Monument was demolished from the Tonismagi Square.

On May 23, a Nashi Movement activist, who was conducting a
single-person picketing in central Tallinn, was deported from
Estonia. Andrei Kalugin, who arrived in Estonia by a tourist visa,
was detained after he had stood for half an hour on the place of the
dismantled monument to the Soldier-Liberator.

Earlier, on May 1, activists of the movement heading to Estonia
in tourist groups were detained by Estonian frontier guards on the
Russian-Estonian border. Seven Nashi activists, including girls, were
not allowed to Estonia by tourist visas. The document denying access
to the country said they were posing threat to the national security
and they were banned from entering Estonia for next five years.

Besides, the Estonian authorities have deported eleven persons in
April, three of them were Russian citizens.

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Chaltikian Arsine:
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