Center Of Resources Opened Attached To Armenian Regional Department


Noyan Tapan
May 30 2007

YEREVAN, MAY 30, NOYAN TAPAN. RA NAS Chairman Radik Martirosian and
Deputy Director of the International Scientific-Technical Center Lora
Williams officially opened the Center of Resources attached to the
Armenian regional department of the center on May 30.

In L. Williams’ words, Armenia is one of the first countries where
the ISTC founds the Resources Center: the ISTC allocated about 30
mln dollars for financing of the Armenian programs, and foundation
of the center will assist satisfaction of Armenian scientists’ needs.

In R. Martirosian’s words, the ISTC had a positive influence on
development of science and education in Armenia. The Resources Center,
in its turn, can assist development of economy based on knwoledge in
the country, assisting establishment of ties among researchers and
ones using the scietific result.

Hamlet Navasardian, the head of the ISTC Armenian regional department
reminded that the department opened in 1994. In his words, courses
concerning creation of scientific result and its trading will be
organized in the newly opened Resources Center. The program of the
2007-2008 courses of the Resources Center is already worked out. It
will involve themes on working out business-programs, estimation of
business, trading of scietific-technical developments, carrying on
negotiations, business contact and organization of presentations,
introduction of investments in the sphere of high technologies, role
of mental property in issues of organization of stable business,
management of business.

To recap, 1150 Armenian scientists and specialists are in total
involved in the ISTC projects.