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CIS Member States Signed Energetic Agreement


[08:59 pm] 29 May, 2007

31 session of the Electric Energy Council of the Commonwealth of
Independent States’ was over in Yerevan.

During the meeting an agreement on forming joint market of electric
energy was signed. The agreement was signed by Russian Federation,
Armenia, Belarus, Ghazakh, Tajikistan and Kirgizia. Other CIS member
states did not have any official objections to the agreement, though
they did not sign it today.

The representatives of energetic sphere of the CIS countries, headed
by Anatoly Chubayes, head of the Electric Energy Council of CIS,
met the journalists.

Chugayes considered the agreement very important and informed that
one-tenth of the issues discussed during the session were of technical
character. According to Chubayes, the agreement on the joint market
of electric energy sets up open, transparent long term legislative
field of cooperation.

Answering to the questions of journalists, whether the document would
be an obstacle for other partners, for example, for the development
of cooperation with Iran in this field, Areg Galstyan, the RA Deputy
Energy Minister said: "No obstacle". He considers that a very important
step was accomplished which is only the beginning. In the coming 12
months each state that joined the agreement will work out its own
program for putting the document into force.

Chakrian Hovsep:
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