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IWG: Working In Azerbaijan Makes No Sense


30.05.2007 14:24 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "During the recent two years we are concerned about
the fact that the Azeri prisoners, released via mediation of our group,
are immediately conveyed to the Azerbaijani military prosecutors.

Several moths later they are charged with treason and handed a severe
sentence," said Bernhard Clasen, Co-chair of the International Working
Group (IWG) for Missing Persons, POWs and Hostages of the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict

He reminded that former war prisoner Vusal Garajayev was charged of
treason and sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment May 15. "Vusal
had spent three weeks in Armenian captivity. I can hardly imagine
what kind of crime he could commit during this time to deserve such a
severe punishment. Our group is named the International Working Group
(IWG) for Missing Persons, POWs and Hostages of the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict. By our regulations, we cannot contribute to conveyance
of prisoners from Armenian captivity to the Azerbaijani military
prosecutors. Under such conditions I think it makes no sense to
continue work," he said.

Mr Clasen said contacts with the Azerbaijani state commission are
too rare. "We wish the prisoners were rendered medical, psychological
and financial assistance. However, they have to stand trial instead.

We would like to talk with the structures responsible for serious
punishment for the former POWs. In March 2006 our group requested
President Ilham Aliyev to release them but got no response. Accusation
of treason can ruin the life of these young people who made a mistake
carelessly," the IWG Co-chair said, Day.az reports.

The International Working Group for Missing Persons, POWs and Hostages
of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict was registered August 18, 2000 as
a non-governmental organization. One of the most important tasks of
the IWG is to work with former war prisoners and render juridical
assistance after their release. Bernhard Clasen (Germany), Paata
Zakareishvili (Georgia) and Svetlana Gannushkina (Russia).

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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