Ra Prime Minister Receives Minister Of Internal Affairs And Administ


Noyan Tapan
May 30 2007

YEREVAN, MAY 30, NOYAN TAPAN. On May 30, RA Prime Minister Serge
Sargsian received the delegation led by Minister of Internal
Affairs and Administration of Poland Janus Kaczmarek. Noyan Tapan
was informed about it from RA government Information and Public
Relations Department.

The Prime Minister stated with satisfaction that Armenian-Polish
relations develop successfully within the framework of both bilateral
and multi-lateral cooperation. He emphasized that European direction is
one of priorities of foreign policy for Armenia and cooperation with EU
gives wide possibilities to deepen dialogue with EU member-countries,
too, to practically use the possibilities given by the European
Neighborhood policy.

Serge Sargsian emphasized that Armenia considers Poland as one of
its main partners and will strive for using Poland’s possibilities
for the purpose of more closely integrating to European structures
also expecting Poland’s active participation in the process of
implementation of the Actions Plan.

The Polish Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration attaching
importance to the role of Armenia in the South Caucasus in his speech,
said that Poland supports process of Armenia’s European integration
and expresses readiness to present Polish experience in a number of
spheres and also to assist in case of its introduction. The Minister in
detail presented the limits and functions of activity of the structure
headed by him.

During the meeting they attached importance to the proposal to
create a working group, which is to professionally study structural,
function and other issues and with proposals of practical assistance
and cooperation to present all this to the sides.

Serge Sargsian asked to inform the Polish Prime Minister about this
approach and to put it into practice after receiving approval by
his counterpart.

The Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration also congratulated
the Prime Minister on the occasion of successful holding of
parliamentary elections, the evidence of which, in his words, is also
various international monitoring missions.