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Experts Arrive And Leave Like Cold Winter Days

James Hakobyan

31-05-2007 14:12:40

Those who watched the games of world cup 1998 must remember 19-year-old
Michael Owen. Although his team reached the 1/8 final, it was enough
to notice Owen’s top class and prospects. Later he had injuries which
did not let him display his abilities fully, but if man has talent,
ability, half time is enough to notice it.

It turns out that all Owens are distinguished at once, they display
their talent and abilities immediately, through one word or one
sentence at best. At least there is every reason to think so, and this
reason appeared on May 30 in Yerevan, when David Owen, an IMF senior
expert, stated that the flexible currency policy and tough tax and
budget policy helped keep inflation low and boosted economic growth.

The talent of economist is seen at once. David Owen need not utter
more words because what he said is enough for the Armenian people
to worship him. Why, let us worship, sacrifice a lamb in front of
the IMF office in Yerevan only let expert Owen not to speak any
more. He is certainly paid for speaking, but let all of us admit
that we will pay him more for not speaking about Armenia than he is
paid for speaking about the Near East and Central Asia. Let us pay,
otherwise he will continue to speak, and we will have to waste this
money to treat our damaged nervous system. Meanwhile, scientists say
if nervous cells die they are not restored.

But what is the problem, the reader may wonder? The man says Armenia
conducts a flexible currency policy and a tough tax and budget policy
thanks to which prices grow little and economy grows much. In fact,
what is wrong? The man said what other men occupying high-ranking
positions in Armenia are saying every day. The point is that these
high-ranking men have the right to say. They do not understand. Even if
Armenia were torn apart by a civil war, they would continue to state
that the flexible currency policy, tough tax and budget policy and
the civil war help keep inflation low and boost the economic growth.

Meanwhile, before speaking out the expert representing the IMF should
think if what he says has anything in common with the reality. And
in order to think he had to spend some money to rent a car or take a
taxi and go to the markets, shops, small and medium-sized businesses
in Armenia. He would have to spend some more to hire an interpreter
and have a small talk to citizens, consumers and owners of small or
medium-sized businesses of Armenia. He should ask what success they
would have if Armenia conducted a fair tax and budget policy instead
of a tough one. He should ask how many workers how many businessmen
had to make redundant due to the flexible currency policy and tough
tax policy, and subsequently by what percentage the potential of the
economic growth plunged, how many people lost their source of income,
and for how many people that 5 percent inflation doubled and tripled
because not only prices of goods went up but also the income of people
went down. Also the transfers they get from their relatives abroad.

It will take much effort from experts, of course. Meanwhile, for them
it is much easier to fly to Yerevan, especially that Yerevan already
has a new airport, walk in the center of Yerevan, admire the cafes,
elite houses and business centers, have some bourgeois-democratic
meetings with our officials bankers and pro-government experts at
lunch, then tell their authoritative opinion and consider their
mission complete. And why only did the injuries hinder Owen?

Karapetian Hovik:
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