Karabakh Parliament Approved Making Modifications To Law "On Parties


DeFacto Agency, Armenia –
May 31 2007

About 15 issues were discussed at the Nagorno-Karabagh National
Assembly current plenary session held May 30.

The deputies approved the bills on making modifications and additions
to the NKR laws "On Parties", "On an Ombudsman", "On Civil Service",
"On Social Ensuring of Servicemen and the Members of their Families",
"On the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic’s Administrative and Territorial
Divisions" and on making additions to the NKR law "On Language",
IA REGNUM reports.

The bill "On Alienation of Property for the Needs of Society and State"
was adopted at the first reading. The NKR draft laws "On the Program
of the State Property’s Privatization 2007-2009", "On Conducting
Cadastre of Movable Property, the Right to the Movable Property’s
Pledge and Registration of the Right to Rent by Leasing Agreement"
were also approved.

The deputies also approved a report made for 2006 concerning
implementation of the program of the state property’s privatization
2004-2006. The information of the NKR Ministry of Finance and Economy
concerning the implementation of the NKR state budget at the first
quarter of 2007 and the NKR Seismic Service on the implementation of
the works envisaged by a short term program on reducing seismic risk
on the territory of the Nagorno-Karabagh were taken into consideration.

The deputies’ statements were also heard according to the sitting’s