Kosovo Parliament Announced Contest For Flag And National Symbols


30.05.2007 17:09 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Kosovo leaders on Tuesday announced a design
competition for the flag and national symbols of the Republic of
Kosovo, despite continued uncertainty over the Serbian province’s
bid for independence.

Parliament should formally call the tender on June 4, and the
competition would close two weeks later.

New passports would also be prepared in anticipation of a United
Nations resolution that the West hopes will set Kosovo on the road
to statehood after eight years of UN administration.

"We agreed the travel documents should carry Republic of Kosovo, but
without a crest, which can be incorporated later," political leader
Veton Surroi told reporters.

Kosovo, where 90 percent of the 2 million people are ethnic Albanians,
had hoped to declare independence from Serbia by now, but their
Western backers have been frustrated by opposition from Russia,
Serbia’s main ally and a UN veto holder.

Kosovo Albanians can now get passports issued by the UN mission in
Kosovo, but many also carry Yugoslav passports.

The Albanian national flag — the black-on-red double-headed eagle —
has served as Kosovo’s own since 1999, when NATO bombs wrested control
of the territory from Slobodan Milosevic’s Serbia.

But under a blueprint drafted by UN envoy Martti Ahtisaari, Kosovo
must have new symbols reflecting the multi-ethnic character of a
province that is also home to 100,000 Serbs as well as Roma and
Turkish minorities, Reuters reports.