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Noah’s Ark Reconstructed To Raise Awareness Of Climate Change


Nirvana International, UK
May 31 2007

Greenpeace has climbed one of the world’s most famous mountains in
Turkey to demonstrate about climate change.

Mount Ararat is Turkey’s tallest peak and is believed to be the spot
where Noah’s ark rested after the flood.

Next week, a declaration will be read out at the site where Turkish
and German craftsmen have built a replica wooden ark.

Organisers hope the publicity stunt will draw world leaders’ attentions
to global warming ahead of the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany
next month.

The activists have been working on the construction since the beginning
of the month and used 40 horses to carry timbers to the site, some
2,500 metres (6,500 feet) above sea level.

Gerwald Hers, Greenpeace project coordinator, told Reuters why they
had chosen to build the ark.

"There is a connection between the flood, which happened a long,
long, long time ago and our climate change now, so we came to the
idea that we need again a new ark to survive," hesaid.

The declaration will be read about by Turkey’s famous television host
Okan Bayulgen, who supports the project.

The replica will measure 32 feet by 13 feet when it is finished and
will be open to the public at the end of the month.

Mount Ararat is located in the northeast corner of Turkey near the
Iranian and Armenian borders.

Vardanian Garo:
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