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Another Iraq War To Help The Turkish Islamists?

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

American Chronicle, CA
May 31 2007

As the tension rises in the borders between Turkey and Iraq, Turkey
continues a military build up, and the pathetic Turkish premier
refuses refused to rule out action, we have to view the events in
the light of the recent internal strife that brought in Turkey the
secularist majority and establishment to a frontal opposition with
the villainous plans of the Erdogan – Gul clique.

The US needs Turkey more than Turkey needs the US

We have to add to the overall picture the recent developments between
Turkey and the US, namely the US incursion into Turkish aerospace. As a
matter of fact, the US administration has fallen victims of the most
disastrous advisers whose ability to cause unprecedented damage to
the US must be internationally recognized. If America had in Europe a
friend, an important country able to engage in a war without being
defeated within 48 hours, that country was neither pacifist and
quasi-neutralized Germany, nor pompous (and hollow) France, nor
unwarlike Italy; it was pugnacious Turkey.

Leaving aside the European weaklings, still today at a moment of an
undeniable Russian comeback, the US – all accounts made as regards
3 dozens of European states – can count only on Turkey, Poland, and
(taken as an island) the UK. This is definitely not much. At a moment
of Russian threats emanate every moment in terms of energy blackmail,
Middle Eastern confrontation involvement, support of Iran’s exploration
of its nuclear potentialities, and opposition to the US-led War against
the Islamic Terror, only a paranoid would think that America has the
slightest chance to protect its own interests from the African Atlas
to India, let alone prevail in the area, without an all-committed
alliance with Turkey.

The US needs Turkey so badly that the White House inhabitant and
his power sharing Congress and Senate opponents should compete for
Turkey’s favours, and incite Ankara to return in force from Somalia
to Caucasus and from Algeria to Iraq. Yet, demented Pelosi supports
unnecessary pro-Armenian resolutions (that concern the past, not the
present), and support is offered to the one Turk who has chances – if
ruling Turkey – to cause colossal damage to the US indispensable ally,
Islamic terrorist premier Erdogan. Even worse, the only warrantors
of Turkey’s superior military power are viewed rather inimically,
although they are politically and ideologically close the US ruling
class, and in addition are supported by an undeniably overwhelming
majority of Turks (oscillating around 70 to 75%).

The US indirect support to Erdogan is undeniable; suffice it to
read the New York Times, and you get the feeling that capital of
America is Mecca, and that Pelosi’s and Bush’s common enemy is
the Secularist Rainbow of Turkish political parties (Nationalist,
Conservative and Social-Democrat), which are expected to total 70 to
75% in the forthcoming July elections. The massive manifestations of
overwhelming popular rejection of Erdogan’s Islamist agenda did not
get adequate coverage in the US and the EU mass media, and when they
did, the reader would be maneuvered to be negatively predisposed.

Explosive situation between Turkey and the US in Iraq

However, last week two US F-16 fighter jets based in Iraq made an
incursion into Turkish airspace; anti-Erdogan and pro-secular Turkish
media interpreted the event as an attempt to intimidate Ankara into
refraining from any action inside Iraq. The US said the violation
of the airspace was "unintended" and was under investigation. Then,
the Turkish premier warned Washington there should be no repeat.

The event took place on a harassed background of Kurdish terrorist
guerilla that has long been highly and severely denounced by various
populations that inhabit along with Turks the SE provinces of Turkey.

Turkey made public the proofs of the PKK group’s involvement in the
recent suicide bombing in Ankara and in a landmine attack on troops.

The PKK has been supported and maneuvered by France since 1984,
and PKK’s demands for Kurdistan’s ‘independence’ have always met
France’s sympathies despite the outright majority of the non Kurdish
populations that the PKK claims as Kurds

Have repeatedly rejected this perspective, enjoying their status of
Turkish citizens. Turkey blames the group for 30,000 deaths since then.

With Turkey’ ongoing military campaign against the PKK in plain
action, with some of the Iraqi Kurds overtly supporting the PKK,
with the terrible oppression exercised by some tyrannical Iraqi
Kurdish groups over various Iraqi minorities in the area of Iraqi
Kurdistan (Turkmens, Aramaeans, Yazidis, Armenians, Circassians,
and others), and with the fanatic but naïve Turkish premier saying
in an interview with the private NTV news channel that Iraq, the
US and Turkey should carry out a joint operation against the PKK,
one understands the volatility of the situation. If one takes into
consideration that the US has warned Ankara that sending troops
into Iraq would complicate the situation, one can get the use of the
situation that the paranoid anti-Turkish US lobbying and the secretive,
racist, European Freemasonic lodges may attempt to make.

The forthcoming Turkish elections and the US way to help Erdogan

If we place the aforementioned within the context of the forthcoming
elections, we get a clear idea of what may soon be attempted.

As it happens, with the Turkish opposition uniformed into three
anti-Islamist parties, an ultra-nationalist (expected to gather 15 to
20%), a conservative (estimated at 10 to 15%), and a social-democratic
(projected to reach 25 to 30%), the loathsome Islamists have no chance
to achieve majority in the new parliament.

Their efforts to either elect an Islamic terrorist as president or to
modify the constitution will therefore fail, and normally a tripartite
coalition will run the country, re-launching Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s
programs and projects. This would be disastrous for the anti-Turkish
side of the EU; they will not be in a position to demonize Turks
as Muslims (who supposedly do not drink alcohol during dinners and
lunches at Brussels) to later illustrate them as non European and
fanatic radicals. It will also be disastrous for the anti-Turkish US
lobbying because action will be drastically taken.

So, the EU and US forces that support Erdogan must act now; tomorrow
it will be very late, and they will not find an imbecile as Turkish
premier. How can they help Erdogan to win the elections he is going
to normally lose?

Turkey to annex Northern Iraq?

There is only one king maker in the world: Victory. In front of a
military victory, defeat of the PKK and the Iraqi Kurds, possible
merge with the Turkmens at Kirkuk, and even more theatrically,
eventual clash with the Americans in Northern Iraq, Erdogan would
certainly appear as the greatest man in the history of Turkey after
Ataturk. An annexation of Mosul, Arbil, Kirkuk, and Suleymaniyeh would
be presented by Erdogan as the end of the Kurdish problem, and a deal
with Iran and Russia would help him consolidate his grip in view of
the pending American departure. This would terminate the negotiations
with EU but Erdogan’s victory would mean to Americans and to lesser
extent to Europeans that their main obstacle in controlling Turkey
economically, the secular military establishment, lost the power
in Ankara. This would signal the beginning of a stronger US – EU
commitment to Kurdistan’s independence, and to Turkey’s defamation as
an Islamic extremist country whereby the Kurds ‘suffer’. Turkey’s inner
clashes, Turkey’s involvement in the deterioration of the European
states’ confrontation with their Muslim minorities, the formation
of an independent Kurdistan, the Turkish explosion in the Balkans,
and the establishment of the Russian – Turkish – Iranian alliance
would then trigger the most unbelievable political earthquake in
Europe’s History. What the apostate Freemasonic lodge was not able
to achieve during 50 long years will then be materialized within
months. The European Union they envisioned would then rise at last –
extremely different from the present one.


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Kharatian Ani:
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