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Examination Of Applications Of Four Parties Litigating Results Of NA


Noyan Tapan
Jun 10 2007

YEREVAN, JUNE 1, NOYAN TAPAN. Examination of applications of
Impeachment bloc, Hanrapetutiun, Nor Zhamanakner and Orinats Yerkir
parties litigating the results of May 12 National Assembly elections
by proportional system started at the Constitutional Court. The
respondent party is the Central Electoral Commission. RA Justice
Ministry, Prosecutor’s Office, Police and National Commission of
Television and Radio were recognized as adjacent respondents.

Representative of Impeachment bloc Nikol Pashinian made explanations
at the court. As he evaluated, the elections were accompanied with
"organized mass violations." He expressed bewilderment that after the
start of the electoral process hasty changes were made in the Electoral
Code, as a result of which over 700 thousand Armenian citizens being
abroad were deprived of the possibility to exercise their right to
vote. Nikol Pashinian also considers that the issue of accessibility
of electoral centers for disabled mainly was not solved, either.

In Nikol Pashinian’s words, free services, goods, foodstuffs were
given out to voters at the preelection stage, for the purpose of
influencing the will of voters. The Republican Party of Armenia and
Bargavach Hayastan parties distinguished themselves in this issue. As
a proof he introduced a lottery ticket to the court, by which voters
were invited to a meeting with BH Chairman Gagik Tsarukian on May 5
in Byureghavan with promises of pleasant surprises.

In his words, during the agitation unequal conditions were created by
TV companies for parties taking part in the elections: in his words,
the parties having taken the first three places: RPA, BH and ARFD had
ten and more possibilities to speak on TV. Nikol Pashinian emphasized
that "the air was filled with illegal and free advertisement of Serge
Sargsian and Gagik Tsarukian."

Gross violations were committed during the voting, too. In particular,
N. Pashinian mentioned information provided to Helsinki Assembly by
Vanadzor Office that free expression of voters’ will was influenced
through threats. Voters were threatened to deprive them of the program
of state assistance in getting apartments.

Nikol Pashinian also stated that the Police printed passports by
names of people being away from Armenia and with them people voted
instead of anothers.

In his words, "deceased people become active, as well as cases of
registering other persons at apartments secretly from apartment owner
often happen in the electoral period."

Hunanian Jack:
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