New Passenger Complex Of Zvartnots Airport Starts Operating At Full


Noyan Tapan
Jun 01 2007

YEREVAN, JUNE 1, NOYAN TAPAN. The new passenger complex of Zvartnots
Airport started to operate at full capacity on June 1. Passengers of
Yerevan-Moscow flight used for the first time the departure hall of the
new complex. The arrival hall has been functioning since September of
last year. According to the airport director Juan Pablo Gechijian,
the complex has a hall for business class passengers, there is a
place for smokers. In his words, the complex may service 800-1,000
passengers an hour and is ready to service transit passengers.

As for the old building of the airport, J.P. Gechijian noted that all
its infrastructures should be examined, after which the fate of this
building will be decided.

The airport director said that another complex for passenger
registration will be built near the new complex. Besides, cafes and
restaurants located in the old building will be moved to the new
one. A two-story building for car parking will be constructed as well.

The complex to be built will cover an area of 25 thousand square
meters. It is envisaged to put it into operation in 2010. 100 mln
dollars will be spent on its construction.