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The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them

Iqbal Latif – Paris – 6/2/2007

Global Politician, NY
June 1 2007

Columbus known as great discoverer but deserves nomination as a
scoundrel of highest order, scold blooded killer of the vanquished
nations of conquered America and a true proponent of might is right.

If conquering Greeks, Romans, Sassanians or Arabs would have treated
their conquered nations with such treachery Middle East would have
diapered as cradle of civilisation and culture. 1.Columbus remains a
mysterious and controversial figure who has been variously described
as one of the greatest mariners in history, a visionary genius, a
mystic, a national hero, a failed administrator, a naive entrepreneur,
and a ruthless and greedy imperialist.

Imam Ghazali as great scholar of Islam deserved nomination for killing
free thinking amongst embryonic institutions of Islam.

Responsible for decadent thinking prevalent in nations of Islam today,
author of ascendency of faith over reason that destroyed open debate
Ijtehad and Ijtama.

2.Imam Ghazali -key member of the influential Asharite school of early
Muslim philosophy and the most important refuter of Mutazilites. His
11th century book titled " The Incoherence of the Philosophers"
marks a major turn in Islamic epistemology, as Ghazali effectively
discovered philosophical skepticism that would not be commonly seen
in the West until Rene Descartes, George Berkeley and David Hume. The
encounter with skepticism led Ghazali to embrace a form of theological
occasionalism , or the belief that all causal events and interactions
a re not the product of material conjunctions but rather the immediate
and present will of God. The Incoherence also marked a turning point
in Islamic philosophy in its vehement rejections of Aristotle and
Plato. The book took aim at the falasifa, a loosely defined group of
Islamic philosophers from the 8th through the 11th centuries (most
notable among them Avicenna and Al-Farabi ) who drew intellectually
upon the Ancient Greeks. Ghazali bitterly denounced Aristotle, Socrates
and other Greek writers as non-believers and labeled those who employed
their methods and ideas as corrupters of the Isla mic faith.

In the next century, Averroes drafted a lengthy rebuttal of Ghazali’s
Incoherence entitled the Incoherence of the Incoherence; how ever,
the epistemological course of Islamic thought had already been set.

Known as Chivalrous great Mongol but deserve nomination for
indiscriminate Mongol destruction of seat and cradle of civilisation
thus hampering the development of free thinking in Islam.

3.Hulagu Khan passionate with Persia and its culture, the reason why
he became the Khan of Persia under Ilkhanate dynasty. The Persian
influence was another f actor that encouraged Hulagu to attack the
Arabs.the sack of Baghdad by the Mongols made the sack of Rome
by Alaric look kindly. The Grand Library of Baghdad, containing
countless precious historical documents and books on subjects ranging
from medicine to astronomy, was destroyed. Su rvivors said that the
waters of the Tigris ran black with ink from the enormous quantities
of books flung into the river. Citizens attempted to flee, but were
intercepted by Mongol soldiers who raped and killed with abandon.

Although death counts vary widely and cannot be easily substantiated,
a number of estimates do exist. Martin Sicker writes that close to
90,000 people may have died (Sicker 2000, p. 111). Other estimates go
much higher. Muslim historian Abdullah Wassaf claims the loss of life
was several hundred thousand or more. Ian F razier of The New Yorker
estimates of the death toll have ranged from 200,000 to a million.

The Mongols looted and then destroyed. Mosques, palaces, libraries,
hospitals – grand buildings that had been the work of generations were
burned to the ground. The caliph was captured and forced to watch as
his citizens were murdered and his treasury plundered. The caliph was
trampled to death. Marco Polo reports that Hulagu starved the caliph
to death, but there is no corroborating evidence for that.

Most historians believe the Mongol accounts (and Muslim) that the
Mongols rolled the caliph up in a rug, and rode their horses over
him, as they believed that the earth was offended if touched by
royal blood. All of his sons but one were killed. Prior to this, the
Mongols destroyed a city only if it had resisted them. Cities that
capitulated at the first demand for surrender could usually expect
to be spared. Cities that surrendered after a short fight, such as
this, normally could expect a sack, but not complete devastation. The
utter ferocity of the rape of Baghdad is the worst example of Mongol
excess known. (It is said some Chinese cities suffered a similar fate,
but this is not documented).

Baghdad was a depopulated, ruined city for several centuries and only
gradually recovered something of its former glory. Of all the Mongol
Khans, he is, for obvious reasons, the most feared and despised.

Known as a fading peaceful Sultan but deserves nomination for Armenian
massacre and genocide still remains a fully untold story

4.Turkish caliph Abdul Hamid II- The crumbling Ottoman Empire headed
by the "bloody sultan" Turkish caliph Abdul Hamid II from August 31,
1876 to July 24, 1908 is credited with the "Hamidian massacres" or
"holocaust" of 5,000 – 200,000 Armenians in Erzinjan. Sultan’s power,
assumed by nationalist "Young Turks" of the CUP, sought Muslim
orthodoxy, implemented the shari’a (sacred Muslim Qu’ran law), &
provoked frenzied Armenian massacres, beatings, rapes, deportations &
pillaging ("continuum of dest ruction") in 1909 in Adana.

In aftermath of the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) Armenian Genocide (AG)
pinnacled after the coup d-etat of Jan. 26, 1913 led by Talat Pasha,
Enver Pasha, Jemal Pasha (Young Turk Trio) & Ziya Gokalp launching
nationalistic indoctrination ("New Religion") with paramilitary
training of youths, to revitalize into Golden Age as had Genghis Khan,
seeking to destroy Armenians as "dangerous microbes." The brutal, gory
details of bastinado, nail extraction, crucifixion, head splitting,
eye gouging, mass burnings, starvations, mass drownings, rapes,
etc. were carried out on CUP’s killing agenda, an hierarchial command
motivated by jihad that included Special Organization killing squads,
Kurdish Hamidiye forces, gendarmes, & military police all used in
the 1914-1915 AG when some 1,000,000. died. Final killings (6,000)
were at Kars in October 1920 and in Smyrna on September 1922 by the
Kemalist army. But the hatred & official Turkish denials persist, most
plausibly stemming from the inhumane, replusive, ghoulish & fiendish
massacres although threat of reparations including land exists.

Known as great conquerors and philanthropist backers of explorers they
deserve nomination for imposition of extremist views of Christianity
and proponent of inquisitions in a society that was hall mark of
medieval coexistence.

5.Ferdinand and Isabella’s and Segovian Dominican Tomas de Torquemada-
The Spanish Inquisition was an institution that had precedents in other
Inquisitions. The reconquest of Spain from the Moors resulted in a
relatively peaceful multi-religious society, but violent anti-Judaism*
ensued and Jews converted en masse to the Catholic faith. The Spanish
Inquisition was motivated in part by the multi-religious nature of
Spanish society following the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula
from the Moors (Muslims). Much of the Iberian Peninsula was dominated
by Moors following their invasion of the peninsula in 711 until they
were expelled by means of a long campaign of reconquest. However, the
reconquest did not result in the full expulsion of Muslims from Spain,
but instead yielded a multi-religious society made up of Catholics,
Jews and Muslims .

Granada to the south, in particular remained under Moorish control
until 1492, and large cities, especially Seville, Valladolid, and
Barcelona , had large Jewish populations centred in Juderías.The
monarchs decided to introduce the Inquisition to Castile to uncover
and do away with false converts, and requested the Pope’s assent. At
first the request was turned down for a number of reasons. One reason
was that they had requested the Spanish Inquisition to be under the
control of the monarchs of Spain. This in turn would lessen papal
authority over the clergy involved and make methods difficult to keep
in line with official papal rules of inquisition, and instead easily
become a mere political and semi-military tool of Spain. Ferdinand
pressured Sixtus IV by threatening to withdraw militarily support
during a time when the Turks were a major threat to Rome. On November
1, 1478, Pope Sixtus IV published the bull Exigit Sinceras Devotionis
Affectus, through which the Inquisition was established in the Kingdom
of Castile . The bull also gave the monarchs exclusive authority to
name the inquisitors.

The reconquest produced a relatively peaceful co-existence – although
not without periodic conflicts – among Christians, Jews, and Muslims in
the peninsula’s kingdoms. There was a long tradition of Jewish service
to the crown of Aragon. Ferdinand’s father John II named the Jewish
Abiathar Crescas to be Court Astronomer. Jews occupied many important
posts, religious and political. Castile itself had an unofficial rabbi.

Known as great poet but deserves nomination for lack of tolerance of
the opposite view and unknown author of clash between civilisations….

6. Durante degli Alighieri, better known as Dante Alighieri or simply
Dante, ( May 14/ June 13, 1265 – September 13/14 [1] , 1321) was an
Italian poet from Florence . His central work , the Commedia (The
Divine Comedy), is considered the greatest literary work composed
in the Italian language and a master piece of world literature. In
Italian he’s known as "the Supreme Poet" (il Sommo Poeta).

As one travels into the depths of Hell, less and less light is seen:
Sowers of Discord include people such as Mohammed, Ali, Henry VIII,
Vlad Tepes…

Iqbal Latif-Paris writes for the Global Politician about Islam and
related issues.


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Kamalian Hagop:
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