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MFA: unless issue of Nagorno Karabakh status is clarified, not ready


RA MFA: unless issue of Nagorno Karabakh status is clarified we are
not ready to talk about tertiary issues
01.06.2007 18:51 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `Regardless of who says what, we can only repeat
what we have frequently explained: that unless the issue of the status
of Nagorno Karabakh is clarified, and the right of self-determination
is fully assured, and unless an irrevocable geographic link between
Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia is secured, we are not ready to talk
about tertiary issues,’ RA Foreign Ministry Acting Spokesperson
Vladimir Karapetian told a PanARMENIAN.Net when commenting on the
latest statement by OSCE MG U.S. Co-chair Matthew Bryza.

In an interview with The Associated Press Matthew Bryza said that `the
two sides have agreed on the return of districts surrounding Nagorno
Karabakh that are also under ethnic Armenian control.’

Toneyan Mark:
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