Not knowing Armenian topical issue for half million french armenians

Not knowing the Armenian language still remains one of the topical
problems for half a million French Armenians

2007-06-02 13:38:00

Not knowing the Armenian language still remains one of the topical
problems for half a million French Armenians. Armenian schools of
Lyons and Marseilles made an arrangement on cooperation so that to
preserve and improve their native language. For this reason theatre
performances were organized in these cities.

As a priest of the Armenian Church "Surb Akop" in Lyons, Issak
Ekimyan, told ArmInfo special correspondent in France, 180 children
attend the local Armenian school. Not only Armenians but also French
attend the school to study Armenian language. About 20thsd Armenians
live in Lyons the majority of which do not have an opportunity to
study Armenian language as the only Armenian school may receive the
limited number of children. Moreover, they can continue training in
college or lycee.

A total of 80thsd Armenians live in Marseilles, where there are two
Armenian schools – an ordinary secondary school "Hamazgain", where
there are 300thsd children, and an evening school where training
courses on the Armenian language, literature and history function on
Saturdays for 50 children at the age of 5-18. As the teacher of the
school Rita Etaryan told ArmInfo correspondent, the school was founded
in 1974. Organization of the joint culture events has become very
important for the Armenian Diaspora of Marseilles and Lyons for
preserving their national roots.