Turkey rushes to peacekeeping mission in Nagorno Karabakh


Turkey rushes to peacekeeping mission in Nagorno Karabakh
02.06.2007 13:30 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `In case if NATO decides to carry out a peacekeeping
mission in Nagorno Karabakh, Turkish soldiers will participate in it
with pleasure,’ head of the Turkish delegation in NATO Parliament
Assembly, member of the ruling Justice and Development (AKP) party
Vahid Erdem stated.

Meanwhile it is worth underlining that only OSCE has a mandate for
peacekeping mission but the organization does not have peacekeeping
forces as such. The United Nations and NATO have peacekeeping
forces. However neither the UN or NATO has peacekeeping mandate in
Karabakh. The matter is which organization will carry out that
operation. The second problem is the following: the conflicting sides
came to an understanding that the OSCE Minsk Group countries and
neighboring states (i.e. Turkey, Iran and Georgia) cannot participate
in the peacekeeping mission. So it means that Turkey’s statements are