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European Watchdog Urges Armenian, Azeri Leaders To Resolve Problem


Mediamax news agency, Yerevan
4 Jun 07

The OSCE chairman-in-office and Spanish foreign minister has thanked
the Armenian and Azerbaijani authorities for their readiness to work
with the mediators to resolve the conflict. In an exclusive interview
with Mediamax agency, Miguel Angel Moratinos said that both countries
give priority to settling the conflict that has been affecting the
region badly. He also called on the sides to demonstrate the political
will and encouraged the parties to the conflict to promote the regional
cooperation. The following is the text of report by Armenian news
agency Mediamax headlined "Both sides have to take advantage of this
opportunity"; subheadings have been inserted editorially:

The exclusive interview of Miguel Angel Moratinos, OSCE
chairman-in-office, the Spanish foreign minister, to Mediamax news

The OSCE chairman-in-office and the Spanish foreign minister, Miguel
Angel Moratinos, will start his visit to Azerbaijan and Armenia
today. On the eve of the visit, he gave an exclusive interview to
Mediamax news agency.

[Question] What are your impressions of your recent meeting with
the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs in Madrid? How viable is the proposal
on the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict which is on the
negotiations table at present?

OSCE chairman-in-office thanks sides to the Karabakh conflict

[Miguel Angel Moratinos] On May 4 I had a meeting with the three
co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group. This meeting followed another held
in Madrid on 10 December 2006.

The most recent meeting, at which the three co-chairs provided me
with a full briefing of their work, was highly fruitful. As the
OSCE chairman-in-office, I congratulate ambassadors [French co-chair
Bernard] Fassier and [Russian co-chair Yuriy] Merzlyakov, and [US]
deputy assistant secretary [Matthew] Bryza on their excellent work,
and express my gratitude to the authorities of Armenia and Azerbaijan
for their readiness to work with the mediators to resolve the conflict.

[Question] One of the basic principles of the settlement is connected
with holding a referendum in Nagornyy Karabakh. Do you believe that
Azerbaijan is really ready to accept the idea of a referendum?

[Miguel Angel Moratinos] It is not an easy matter to balance the
principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity with that of
self-determination. Both are universal principles that are applicable
in different circumstances. I am convinced that Azerbaijan and
Armenia are capable of using excellent judgement in applying the most
appropriate principles to resolve a situation that is prejudicial to
many thousands of people, who have the right to decent, peaceful and
prosperous live.

[Question] Judging from the latest statements of the sides, Armenia
and Azerbaijan are "close to the settlement of the conflict as never
before". Do you share such optimism?

Sides to the Karabakh conflict have to seize opportunity

[Miguel Angel Moratinos] I do know that both countries put the highest
priority on overcoming the problems affecting the region, and for
this reason, I am optimistic. Both sides have to take advantage of
this opportunity. It is high time they took the step.

[Question] The authorities of Nagornyy Karabakh, which represent the
interests of 140,000 Armenians living in the region, regularly stated
the need for their direct participation in the talks. Azerbaijan is
categorically against this. Do you think not that without elimination
of that obvious contradiction, the peace process will not produce
real results?

[Miguel Angel Moratinos] To answer this question, let me start with
the final point: if Armenia, Azerbaijan and the OSCE undertake to
achieve concrete results and work resolutely to that end, then all
the problems may be overcome.

[Question] All the interested international organizations urge
the sides to demonstrate political will, necessary to overcome the
remaining discords. What is the reason for the sides to lack that
will so far?

[Miguel Angel Moratinos] In a conflict that has lasted so many years,
and that affects such a large number of people, the genuine political
will is needed to heal the wounds of the past and to look towards
future with optimism. The political maturity now enjoyed by both
countries and the clear-sighted vision of their political leaders
constitute a solid guarantee that the political will to resolve the
conflict shall prevail.

[Question] One of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, Russia, strongly
believes that the possible independence of Kosovo will unambiguously
become a precedent for other "frozen conflicts". The other two
co-chairs, France and the USA, oppose that and turn down the
possibility of a precedent. What is your stance as to that issue?

[Miguel Angel Moratinos] The conflicts currently existing within the
OSCE vary greatly in their nature. Neither France nor Russia nor the
USA, represented by the co-chairs, consider it advisable to apply
pre-established formulas, given that the reality of widely varying
situations would make them inoperative.

[Question] The international organizations, including the OSCE, urge
the states of the region to develop regional cooperation, stressing
that the fact will assist the settlement of the conflicts. Azerbaijan
looks at the issue of cooperation from another stance. What is,
according to you, the exit from this deadlock?

Regional cooperation promotes security

[Miguel Angel Moratinos] Regional cooperation is obviously
a fundamental condition to promote security and stability. I am
convinced that both Armenia and Azerbaijan are well aware that they
have to seize, as soon as possible, the current window of opportunity
to advance in the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict and to develop the great
cooperation possibilities that have arisen in the Caucasus in the
socio-economic sphere.

[Question] What is your assessment of the situation with democratic
reforms in Armenia in the light of the recent parliamentary elections?

[Miguel Angel Moratinos] As OSCE chairman-in-office, but also as
a member of the Spanish government, I congratulate Armenia on the
democratic advance made in the recent parliamentary elections, which
were viewed positively by the OSCE Electoral Observation Mission.

Strengthening democracy, which is a fundamental value for the OSCE,
contributes to the security and cooperation of all the participant

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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