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Events Dedicated To 70th Anniversary Of Great Singer Lusine Zakarian


YEREVAN, JUNE 4, NOYAN TAPAN. Jubilee events dedicated to the 70th
anniversary of great singer Lusine Zakarian were held on June 1 on the
initiative of the National Library of Armenia. Early in the morning
representatives of National Library of Armenia and lovers of singer’s
art left for Etchmiadzin and laid flowers to the singer’s grave in the
yard of Surb Gayane Church. An exhibition opened the same day at the
National Library of Armenia. Articles about the singer published in
Armenian and foreign media, photographs, disks released in Armenia and
U.S. kept at Library’s archives were presented at the exhibition.

"Lusine Zakarian’s name stands out in the history of Armenian art
thanks to her talent, unique timbre of her voice and sincerety of her
performances," Mher Navoyan, Chairman of Sacred Musical Center, senior
lecturer of Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan, said. In his words,
L. Zakarian’s uniqueness is conditioned by the circumstance that in the
Soviet years the singer was able to take out Armenian sacred music to
concert stage. And though the church criticized L. Zakarian’s step, the
singer without hesitating made Armenian sharakans (Armenian chirch
psalms) popular not only in Armenia, but also abroad. The Center
Director emphasized that L. Zakarian managed to properly present sacred
music first of all thanks to her husband, connoisseur of sacred song
Khoren Palian.

M. Navoyan regretted to say that today one can seldom listen to L.
Zakarian’s songs: "Our musical life is not pure, today only short-lived
phenomena appear in the air and the fundamental layers of culture are
left out," he said.

Hovhannisian John:
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