U.S – Iran war to become calamity for Azerbaijan


U.S.-Iran war to become calamity for Azerbaijan
04.06.2007 13:45 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `Every day hundreds of Iranians cross the Azeri
border in search of asylum in the neighbor country. The situation at
the checkpoint becomes more tensed hour by hour and can transform into
mass protest actions pregnant with unpredictable consequences.

Official statements on the developments have not been issued
yet. However, Azeri frontier guards say the border was closed by an
initiative of the Iranian side, thus forcing the Azeri customs
officials to adequate steps. As result, hundreds of Iranian citizens
stuck on the Azerbaijani territory. Besides, tension is aggravated by
numerous trucks and cars on both sides of the border,’ says an article
titled `Azerbaijan faces nuclear calamity?’ and published in New
Russian Word newspaper.

The residents of the near-border regions are panic-stricken. Many of
them have already gone hungry, since they earned their living by
importing food and household articles from Iran, according to the

In case of a military campaign followed by an overland operation as in
Afghanistan and Iraq, Azerbaijan may be flooded with new refugees, who
will huddle in tent camps and face insanitation and epidemics. Mass
flows of Iranians to Azerbaijan, where a million of refugees already
languish in poverty, threaten with a humanitarian calamity.

Besides, U.S. pin-point bombing of Iran’s nuclear facilities will
inevitably cause radioactive contamination which can reach Baku,’ the
articles reads.