Why Nobody Speaks About The Essential Issue



Now a situation has occurred when even the Armenian government could
not be accused of the return of territories, stated Igor Muradyan on
June 4 during a discussion held by the Alliance Organization.

"Karabakh has a president, a parliament, a civil society. I am quite
frank. These people are political criminals. I think a public tribunal
should be set up and accuse them of high treason. There are facts,
facts are always found," Igor Muradyan says. He thinks it is necessary
to swap historical arguments why the territories cannot be returned
for this.

According to Igor Muradyan, the Karabakh government has always
kept aloof, outside the reach of criticism. "Away from criticism,
God forbid. What should happen has happened. The year 2006 was real
capitulation. The NKR parliament did not utter a word. This reaction,
more exactly the absence of reaction was under the surveillance of
Arkady Ghukasyan and the impression was that on the whole everyone
was for this retreat," Igor Muradyan says.

According to him, the government of Karabakh blames Armenia, and the
Armenian government refers to external pressure, Igor Muradyan says.

According to him, there is no force in Armenia and Karabakh which
can set up relations with the outer world. "I mean a political
resource for relations with the outer world. That’s all. There is
no such resource. Here is a small episode, though not so very small,
regarding the recent Armenian parliamentary election when the Western
community did not react, in fact. In brackets, of course. The reaction
came and it was clear: they set timing. They gave time for radical
statements. In fact, there can be no such statements. Because a
principal subject may play a multi-vector game, who knows what it
needs, who has other purposes than holding on to power. There is no
such subject in the society, the political class and the political
leadership," Igor Muradyan says.

According to him, there is no society, there is not even a criminal
society. "Absolutely nobody, people have no understanding," Igor
Muradyan says. He says everyone should feel responsible, including the
government of Karabakh. "It should not think it is not accountable
to the so-called political parties, wine and wheat producers," Igor
Muradyan says. He asks who must get the society out of this situation,
who must give them ideas. "Nobody said the Karabakh presidential
election is being prepared, another political crime is being plotted,
a professional drug addict and non-professional KGB agent may become
the head of state in Karabakh.

And all this is imposed on people without asking anything from
anyone. Why are you silent, friends?" Igor Muradyan asked the
participants of the discussion and the society. He says the opinion
that everything is decided in Armenia is a fairy tale. So why in this
case do we speak about the president, parliament, and finally the
state of Karabakh, Igor Muradyan asks. If everything is decided in
Armenia, all this should be thrown away. Igor Muradyan urges starting
everything in Karabakh. "Why not to launch a real process? Let us
try to launch the process there," Igor Muradyan concluded.