Archbishop Aykazian joins interreligious meeting at State Department

Department of Communications
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Jake Goshert, Media Relations Specialist
Tel: (212) 686-0710 Ext. 160; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]

June 6, 2007


Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Diocesan legate and ecumenical officer, took
part in a meeting between a group of 10 Christian, Jewish, and Muslim
leaders and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns at
the State Department in Washington, D.C. on May 17.

The group, part of the National Interreligious Leadership Initiative for
Peace in the Middle East, discussed the on-going situation between the
Israeli and Palestinian people. The goal was to work towards bringing peace
to Jerusalem.

"It is very important because the city of Jerusalem belongs to three
monotheistic religions," Archbishop Aykazian said. "So our participation is
very important. We, the religious leaders, are the peace makers — not only
with Palestine and Israel, but in every part of the world."

The National Interreligious Leadership Initiative for Peace was founded in
2003 as a collaborative effort to mobilize broad public support for active,
fair, and firm U.S. leadership in pursuit of Arab-Israeli-Palestinian peace.
Archbishop Vicken is on the group’s executive committee.

During an extensive conversation with Undersecretary Burns, the religious
leaders said they were deeply troubled by the deteriorating situation on the
ground, the continuing Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel and the Israeli
military counter attacks. The religious leaders called for a more active
U.S. policy in order to take steps to build peace between the two parties.
They also urged the American government to urge direct talks between Syria
and Israel.

"Undersecretary Burns appreciated our efforts and asked us to continue our
efforts towards peace," Archbishop Aykazian said. "He believes the
participation of religious leaders will bring a better solution for the
people in the region. He encouraged us to travel to the region to work on
efforts to bring peace, saying that would be very important."

Archbishop Aykazian said the religious delegation expressed support for
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s recent pledge to travel to region
regularly to meet with leaders as a personal commitment to pursue a two
state solution.

"Religious leaders must take part in solving problems in many parts of the
world," Archbishop Aykazian said. "They are a pioneering voice for a future
of peace in every part of the world where there is conflict and problems and
wars. And we, as Armenians, we know the importance of peace better than any
other people because of our suffering in the past."

He also noted that the Armenian people have long had a strong presence in
the Holy Land, since the 5th century, and have played an important role as a
bridge between the three religions that intersect in the region.

— 6/6/07