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Embassy Of Spain To Be Opened In Armenia In 2008


Noyan Tapan
Jun 06 2007

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, NOYAN TAPAN. "The negotiations on the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict settleement take place within the framework of OSCE
and the Armenian side doesn’t see any other alternative and a more
productive format," declared RA President Robert Kocharian during the
meeting with the delegation headed by OSCE Chairman-in-Office Miguel
Angel Moratinos, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, who was in
Armenia on a regional visit. According to the message received from
RA President’s Press Office, Miguel Angel Moratinos in his turn gave
assurance that the progress recorded in the parliamentary elections,
will greatly promote the strengthening of democratic processes.

During the meeting with Vartan Oskanian, RA Minister of Foreign
Affairs, the OSCE Chairman-in-Office presented the 2007 OSCE agenda,
the organization tasks in the three primary fields, i.e. human, army
political and economic-environmental protection, were mentioned. He
underlined that the last years are characterized by the growing
interaction of the three above-mentioned spheres.

The sides also discussed bilateral issues, the necessity of founding
embassies in the capitals of the two countries was underlined, which
will contribute to the deepening of the bilateral cooperation. The
Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs informed of the intention of
opening an embassy in Armenia in 2008. In response to this, Minister
Oskanian mentioned that Armenia envisages to come up with a mutual
initiative in the near future.

Minister Moratinos invited RA Minister of Foreign Affairs to Spain
on an official visit.

The Ministers agreed to pay a special attention to the bilateral
cooperation in the political, economic and cultural spheres.

Vardapetian Ophelia:
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