Republican Party And Prosperous Armenia To Form A Coalition Governme

06.06.2007 17:14

Today in the President’s Office in presence of RA President Robert
Kocharyan The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) in the person of
the RPA Council President, RA Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan and
the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) in the person of the Party’s
President Gagik Tsarukyan signed a memorandum on forming a coalition
government. The political coalition signed a memorandum of cooperation
with the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Dashnaktsutyun in
the person of the representative of ARF Supreme Body Armen Rustamyan.

The main objective of coalition is to create effective legislative
and executive bodies enjoying greater trust of the public, to ensure
a stable and sustainable development of the past achievements.

The political coalition and the parties of the cooperation agreement
pledged to implement a common policy in cooperation with each other
and the President of the republic. They pledged to make every effort
for the effective execution of Government programs and to refrain
from any steps that can directly or indirectly harm the provisions
of the agreements.

The political coalition and the cooperation prioritized the stable and
safe economic growth with essential reduction of the shadow economy,
application of fairer mechanisms of income distribution, increase
of the effectiveness of fighting corruption, provision of favorable
conditions for the reinforcement of civil society, completion of
the reforms in the sphere of state service by creating a true and
effective government system.