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"Great 8" Summit Launches In Heiligendamm

By Petros Keshishian

AZG Armenian Daily

On June 6, after the official reception organized by Angela Merkel,
Chancellor of Germany, the "Great 8" Summit launched in the North of
Germany in Heiligendamm.

The top security measures are taken in Heiligendamm to prevent
undesirable clashes with anti-globalists. In June, the clashes between
the anti- globalists and the police became quite frequent in June. They
condemn the leaders of the Great 8 states in the attempt to form a
universal government.

Over 16 thousand policemen are securing the safety of the guests in
the city.

According to "Figarot," the results of the meeting greatly depend on
the position of RF President Vladimir Poutin. Recently, the presidents
of Russia and USA aroused some tension by some of their statements.

Thus, on Monday, Vladimir Poutin said in the interview to some of the
Western mass media sources that new targets for the Russian rockets
are going to appear in Europe, if Usa doesn’t give up the decision to
install its own anti-rocket system in the Eastern Europe. Next day,
George Bush stated that Russia stepped back from its reforms and this
tendency may make harm to democratic developments in Russia.

It is envisaged that the Great * leaders will discuss economic issues,
foreign investments prospects, protection of intellectual property,
liberation of trade, as well as issues concerning the preservation
of environment, the situation in the Near East and Kosovo.

Torosian Aram:
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