OSCE Chairman In Office Sees The Resolution Of Karabakh Issue In The

By Agavni Haroutiunian

AZG Armenian Daily

Nothing will be discussed without the affirmation of the right of
NKR self-determination according to Vardan Oskanian

After the meeting with OSCE Chairman-in-office, Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the Kingdom of Spain Miguel Angel Moratinos RA Foreign
Minister Vardan Oskanian informed in a joint press conference that it
was the first visit of a Foreign Minister of Spain to Armenia. "This
visit has a double-sided meaning, but, of course, the visit is mainly
concentrated on OSCE issues and especially Nagorno Karabakh issue. We
have a little discussion of development of bilateral relations, also
OSCE issues – from armament to OSCE amendments and the adoption of
OSCE charter", mentioned Vardan Oskanian.

The third issue was the issue of Nagorno Karabakh.

According to Oskanian they both cherished hopes for the compromises
in the next meeting (the meeting of the Presidents of Armenia and
Azerbaijan in St Petersburg), which would contribute to the settlement
of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

According to OSCE Chairman-in-office Miguel Angel Moratinos they
might speak of a progress only after Kocharian-Aliyev meeting in St
Petersburg. "Both sides must take decisive steps in order to have
results in the negotiation process. We think that in the next OSCE
session it will be possible to speak of positive results in the
settlement of Karabakh Conflict, where the participation of OSCE
Minsk group is essential", mentioned the Foreign Minister of Spain.

OSCE Chairman-in-Office announced that there were sufficient bases
to record a progress during the meeting of the Presidents of Armenia
and Azerbaijan on June 9 in St Petersburg. "We will do everything to
find a way of fast resolution", assured Miguel Angel Moratinos. He
had also announced of OSCE readiness during his visit to Baku.

RA Foreign Minister emphasized in his turn that each meeting of the
Presidents aroused new expectations.

"It’s difficult to say how probable is to record serious progress,
but there are definite bases for the Presidents to make decisions. If
there is an agreement, there will also be a progress, if not, we must
continue the collaborations on presidential level".

To the question of a Spanish reporter Oskanian presented the attitude
of Armenia to Karabakh issue.

"It’s not possible to speak of other issues or have agreements without
the affirmation of the right of self-determination of Karabakh,
without its clarification and recording in further document. We must
not forget that this conflict starts because of the self-determination
issue of Karabakh. It’s an issue of Karabakh self-determination;
the other issues, that arose, are the results of the steps taken
by Azerbaijan. We must concentrate on the main issue: the status
of Nagorno Karabakh. This issue may be solved only by recognition
and self-determination of Karabakh people. After it the rest of the
issues will find their resolution.

According to Azerbaijani media OSCE Chairman-in-Office Miguel
Angel Moratinos had announced that it was a favorable moment for the
settlement of Karabakh conflict and both sides were never so close to
agreement. "Azg" daily asked the OSCE Chairman-in-office to clear up
what "to be so close" and "what the sides were really close to" meant.

Moratinos insisted on being optimist. "We must encourage both sides
by optimism, and must not make predictions without bases". Moratinos
thinks that the most important thing is to encourage both sides,
in order to have a resolution and to better the state of NKR
citizens. "The settlement of Karabakh conflict must be reached in
hope, optimism and compromise. And for this we need the political
will of both sides", mentioned OSCE Chairman-in-office.

The announcement that he had done in Baku that "both sides were
close to the settlement of the conflict" he also repeated in Yerevan,
clearing up that he saw optimism and political will from both sides.

"There are positive and negative moments in the processes of resolution
of conflicts, but dialogue will contribute to affirm the attitudes
and good aims of the sides, and the third sides will help to fasten
the settlement of conflict. The aim of OSCE is to contribute to the
resolution of issues", mentioned Moratinos.

The OSCE Chairman-in-office hoped that the presidential elections of
Armenia would be as democratic as the parliamentary elections.

Moratinos also met RA President and Prime Minister, and had a meeting
with the President of NKR Arkadi Ghukasian.