Armenia-Russia Mil-Tech Cooperation At Good Level–PM


ITAR-TASS News Agency, Russia
June 7, 2007 Thursday

Military-technical cooperation between Armenia and Russia is "at a
good level and is beneficial to us," Armenian Prime Minister Serge
Sarkisyan emphasized in an interview published in Moskovsky Komsomolets
newspaper on Thursday.

"Part of our officers undergo an advanced training in Russia and part
in the West. We have never concealed that," Sarkisyan explained. He
said cooperation with the Russian Federation is of benefit because "We
(Armenia) as a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
can buy military products in Russia at the same prices that are used
in the Russian army".

Sarkisyan pointed out that cooperation between Armenia’s and Russia’s
intelligence and security services "is at a good level as well". He
pointed out once again that Armenia-Russia cooperation in the military
sphere develops "in all fields".

Touching upon Russia’s positions in the Commonwealth of Independent
States (CIS), the Armenian Prime Minister rejected assertions that
those positions had been seriously weakened. He did not rule it out
that Russia’s positions were possibly "undermined in Georgia" while
growing stronger in other CIS countries. On the whole, "I do not
consider that Russia has grown weak" is the categorical conclusion
drawn by Sarkisyan.

Armenia’s Head of Government could not but touch upon the question
of Armenia-NATO relations. He stressed that his country should not
enter into the Alliance. However, he said, an Armenia-NATO Individual
Partnership Action Programme is being implemented. This is "a good
level of cooperation and we intend to deepen these useful relations",
Sarkisyan underlined.