Armenian NGOs Warn Against "Unacceptable" Proposals Over Karabakh


7 Jun 07

Yerevan, 7 June: A number of Armenian non-governmental organizations
that initiated a protest against the Minsk Group today have appealed
to the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs Bernard Fassier, Yuriy Merzlyakov
and Matthew Bryza.

They demand that [the co-chairs] officially reveal the contents of
the issues that have already been agreed upon during the talks but
are still disputable, as well as stop forcing the Armenian people to
make unacceptable concessions.

"The statements you have made ahead of the Armenian and Azerbaijani
presidents’ meeting in St. Petersburg give grounds for serious
considerations. Your statements make us come to the final conclusion
that for years, the talks have been conducted in the wrong way. The
Armenian people cannot accept your proposal that Nagornyy Karabakh
be linked with Armenia through a narrow corridor. If the prepared
package includes unacceptable concessions from Armenia, and if the
Armenian president agrees with such a proposal by the OSCE Minsk Group,
it will meet with strong opposition from the Armenian people."