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Armenian Prime Minister: "I Don’t Think We Must Join NATO"


07.06.2007 14:58 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "I don’t think we must join NATO," Armenian Prime
Minister Serzh Sargsyan stated.

"Currently we are within such a security system, which fully satisfies
us. And we are not going to change anything," he underlined. As to
the NATO Information Center, "the opening of which is being ascribe to
him", Serzh Sargsyan stated, "It looks like that my local ill-wishers
have thought out those rumors about the NATO center and then it
reached to you in Russia.

The matter is that the NATO office works in Moscow long ago and on the
same conditions, which we have here. Or may be you think that Russia
must cooperate with NATO and Armenia must butt with the alliance? To
tell the truth, I am glad that some people in Russia consider me as
a pro-western politician, because a lot of people in West consider
me as a pro-Russian leader.

And this is the very conformation of the fact that actually I am a
pro-Armenian politician".

Answering the question if the foreign agenda of Armenia will be
changed after the parliamentarian elections, the RA Prime Minister
underlined, first, according to the law foreign policy is in the
sphere of president’s activities. "But our party (Republican Party
of Armenia) has always been involved in that sphere, the president
has always consulted with us.

So, it is our common policy. That’s why I do not think that something
may be changed fundamentally. I think the policy that we carry out
today, is of benefit to the Armenian nation," Serzh Sargsyan stated,
"Moskovski Komsomolets" reports.

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