Categories: News

Cheated And Made Work Without Paying


[08:17 pm] 07 June, 2007

The employees of Ferroconcrete constructions’ plant of Yeghegnut
village in Armavir region gathered in front of the Government
building today. 55 laborers complained that they did not get salary
for 8 months.

The amount of their salary is 18 million drams. The laborers
mentioned that the owners of the plant changed but their debts were not
paid. Hakob Hakobyan, the present owner of the plant, promised to pay,
but did not do anything. The employees appealed to the First Instance
Court of Armavir. A criminal action started, but the owner did not
appear at the court hearings. "We have bought food from the stores
for free, hoping that we will get salary and pay the debts. Since no
one gave us salary, we sold the golden jewelries that we had", said
Garnik Ghazaryan. Some of the laborers complained that they walked 4
km to get to work in winter. At the present moment the laborers are
jobless. "Better not to work, then to work without being paid", said
the demonstrators. The employees handed over a letter to the RA Prime
Minister Serge Sargsyan. The Government promised to answer next week.

If their appeal does not get a positive solution, the demonstrators
intend to gather in front of the Government with their families.

Hunanian Jack:
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