Categories: News

Motivated Decision Of Constitutional Court Is The Most Important


[05:10 pm] 07 June, 2007

Today the RA Constitutional Court discussed the incorrectness of voting
lists in 5/31 election district. According to the facts presented
by the "Impeachment" block, information on 24 persons was wrong,
since 21 of them was abroad and 3 were dead.

Reflecting on the issue, Deputy Chief of Police Ararat Mahtesian noted
that one of the 3 dead persons died in Armenia and his name was removed
from the list. As to the other two, the police found out that one died
in the US and the other person in the Czech Republic. Mr Mahtesian
considered the presence of their names in the voting lists natural,
since the police was not aware of it.

The plaintiff part proposed to involve experts and witnesses in
the discussion. Artak Zeinalian, member of the "Republic" party,
suggested demanding information from "Haypost" company on the number
of returned notices on the absent citizens.

To the question of "A1+" what expectations he had from the CC, Artak
Zeinalian answered: "In Armenia first decisions are made later on
they are motivated. The problem is not that the CC made a decision in
our favor, the problem is that the decision was fair and legitimate,
as well as motivated".

Hakobian Adrine:
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