Congressman Joseph Pitts cosponsors Armenian Genocide Resolution

Congressman Joseph Pitts cosponsors Armenian Genocide Resolution
09.06.2007 12:36

Congressman Joseph Pitts (R-PA-16) recently announced that he will
cosponsor H. Res. 106, the Armenian Genocide Resolution. The
Congressman’s support was acquired through the efforts of the
Armenian-American constituents in his district led by ANC ofPA
activists, George Semerjian and Seeran and Greg Mizii. Congressman
Pitts and his staff met with Mr. Semerjian, Mr. & Mrs. Mizii and ANCA
Eastern Region Executive Director Karine Birazian in the Congressman’s
district office in Lancaster, Pennsylvania during which the Congressman
was informed of the extensive historical documentation of the Armenian
Genocide and the current genocides in the world.

H. Res. 106 calls upon the President to ensure that the foreign policy
of the United States reflects appropriate understanding and sensitivity
concerning issues related to human rights, ethnic cleansing, and
genocide documented in the United States record relating to the
Armenian Genocide, and for other purposes.

The Resolution introduced in the House of Representatives on January
30, 2007 by Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA) and George Radanovich
(R-CA), and Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone
(D-NJ) and Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) has 199 cosponsors, with growing
support each day.

Mrs. Mizii, and her husband Greg, have been active in the Republican
Party in the 16th district, and are elected Republican Committee
members. Following the meeting, Mrs. Mizii stated, `We have been
fortunate to have Cong. Pitts represent our conservative, Christian,
and republican values in beautiful Lancaster County. We have known
Congressman Pitts always as a man of principle and conscience. To me,
this Resolution also stands for truth, justice, freedom of speech and
freedom of religion.’

To date, eight of the 19 Pennsylvania representatives have signed on to
the legislation, and the ANC of PA is continuing its efforts throughout
the state. `We thank Congressman Pitts for his support and hope that
his commitment will inspire his colleagues in Washington on both sides
of the aisle to pass this important legislation. It is critical that
our government recognize, condemn, and prevent the crime of genocide to
demonstrate our compassion as a nation and our value for life and human
rights,’ commented ANC of PA Chairman Dr. Ara Chalian following
cosponsorship by Cong. Pitts.