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State Veterinary Service temporary bans pork from Georgia

State Veterinary Service of Armenia temporary bans import of pork from

2007-06-08 17:41:00

The State Veterinary Service of Armenia has imposed a temporary ban on
import of pork and relevant meat products from Georgia in connection
with African swine fever case recorded in that country.

Head of the State Veterinary Inspection Grisha Bagyan told ArmInfo that
all the necessary safe measures have been taken in the country. In
particular, motor vehicles and shoes are being disinfected at the
frontier checkpoints. Moreover, doubtful meat products are confiscated
and liquidated on the border with Georgia. The country’s veterinary
services operate in special regime. The clinical state of
domestic pigs is monitored. Moreover, the bordering swine enterprises
are under control of specialists.

G. Bagyan said no case of the African swine fever has been recorded in
Armenia so far. The disease is not dangerous for human health. At the
same time, in case the fever penetrates into the territory of Armenia,
it may cause a tangible economic damage to the country. The ban will be
effective as long as there is danger of the fever penetration.

Azerbaijan and Russia have also banned the import of pork and relevant
products from Georgia.

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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