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Fundamental Changes are Necessary


11-06-2007 18:29:34

Vahram Nersisyants, economic adviser to the NKR president, addressed
the conference entitled Education 2015 on June 11. It is notable that
he criticized heavily the system of education of Armenia. Vahram
Nersisyants particularly said: `Development and prosperity in Armenia
require a sustainable economy formed in democracy which needs a society
with quality education and human values. Meanwhile, our education
contains the negative phenomena and customs of the despotic political
culture that dominated in our region for centuries, which are passed on
from generation to generation through the educational institutions
inherited from the past.’

According to the president’s adviser, we are facing up to the challenge
of educating a new generation with good qualities and values. Vahram
Nersisyants thinks successful efforts were made to improve the
educational infrastructures, possibilities of transfer of knowledge,
making the system of education comply with the international,
especially the European standards. `However, no substantial reforms
have been carried out to raise the values. Meanwhile, the transition
from repressive autocracy to liberal democracy requires fundamental
change of values,’ Vahram Nersisyants says, emphasizing that the power
and achievements of a nation are nourished from `quality and lasting
values, and not only from temporary material accumulation.’

`The arbitrary, lofty, compulsory, archaic treatment by teachers from
the elementary school through the secondary school at schools instills
inhibitions of inferiority and insecurity, which distort the spiritual
development of students. Afterwards, as adults they develop a pathetic
attitude towards the society. Although later on they work out different
methods of hiding their inhibitions all through their lives, inside
they remain weak and unconfident thereby limiting their full
development and integration with the society. The imperfections in the
political and economic spheres can be ascribed to this imperfect
education. Of course, for the sustainable development and prosperity of
the country it is not a reliable enough basis, and abroad it prevents
from success under international competitive and liberal conditions.
Therefore, fundamental reforms in the recruitment of teachers and
supervisors, psychological selection and substantial training is
necessary. The pedagogical university has a central role but the
university itself needs fundamental changes to be able to perform this
central role,’ Vahram Nersisyants says.

According to him, the next urgent problem in the sphere of education is
the high level of corruption in the system. `It is the coaching, which
is often hidden form of bribe, gifts, bribes for high marks. All these
things affect the psychology and behavior of students and plant the
seeds of corruption in the society. In short, at an early age the
students learn that it is possible to evade the system and facilitate
and solve the problems of life through bribes instead of relying on and
developing their mental abilities. The basic values form relatively and
not absolutely, allowing justifying wrongdoing. As a result we train
students who prefer deception and violations to intelligence and
creativity,’ Vahram Nersisyants says. According to him, these problems
continue into the universities and colleges which also need fundamental

`In the absence of fundamental changes we bring up generations who
suffer from inferiority and insecurity, servility, inclination for
corruption, are vulnerable to fear, ambitions and greed, meanwhile the
development and prosperity of Armenia requires a self-confident and
creative generation courageous, with a healthy psychology and quality
education,’ Vahram Nersisyants says.

Talalian Arpi:
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