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BAKU: Novruz Mammadov: The Presidents Met, But It Is Hard To Say Som


Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
June 11 2007

Head of international affairs department at President’s Office Novruz
Mammadov’s interview to the APA

– What are the results of the informal summit of CIS heads of states
in St. Petersburg?

– The main aim of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s visit to St.

Petersburg was to attend the informal summit of the CIS and continue
the negotiations on the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno
Karabakh conflict. The summit was normal, the Presidents touched upon
current state and prospects of the CIS. The main summit will be held in
autumn in Dushanbe. No document was signed as the summit was informal.

– How the meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents resulted?

– The two Presidents debated the settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijani,
Nagorno Karabakh conflict. It was a hard meeting, it lasted for some
three hours. Foreign Ministers and co-chairs partly attended the
meeting, as it was mainly between the Presidents. Some months ago
both co-chairs and heads of different organizations expressed their
positions, they were very optimistic about the meeting. Actually,
it should be so, as Azerbaijan’s successes in political, economic,
cultural, military and others spheres strengthened its position in
the region. International organizations and different states support
Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan’s integrity and position on the settlement of
the conflict is supported. In these circumstances, Armenia had to
assess this situation and prospects and take a step to ensure its
normal development in the future. However, Armenians did not want
to change their position probably at the influence of somebody or
some circle. Armenia can not take constructive position regarding the
items of Prague process’s solution through stages and do not give up
claims. So, while making an assessment, we can say that the meeting
took place, the negotiations continued, but it is difficult to say
something on a concrete progress.

– Do international organizations supporting Azerbaijan’s position
think of any mechanism of impact in order to invite Armenia to

– There is not such a mechanism in the international organizations
such as Council of Europe, OSCE, Organization of the Islamic
Conference, GUAM, BSECO, ECO. There is not decision of sanction
character criticizing aggressive policy of Armenia yet. But the UN
Security Council passed decision criticizing this policy. The UN
Security Council is the only organization which can make decision
regarding it, but its resolutions turn out ineffective. It has
passed hundreds of decisions regarding the Middle East, tens on
the Pakistan-India conflict, four on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict,
several on the Cyprus. However, these resolutions have not turned out
effective. Our position is fair according to the international law,
we support peaceful solution of the conflict. We do not want war.

– Will the negotiations on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict continue?

– The negotiations should continue undoubtedly. Both co-chairs and
Foreign Ministers will carry out these negotiations, but the exact
date of the next meeting has not yet been specified.

– Did the Presidents debate on the meeting of national football
teams of Azerbaijan and Armenia? OSCE chairman proposed the teams
met in Spain…

– No. Related bodies should give proposals on it, if necessary the
Presidents will comment on it.

– Was there any decision in the CIS informal summit regarding the
executive secretary of the organization Vladimir Rushailo, whose
tenure is expiring?

– There is such issue at the agenda, but there is not any decision.

Khondkarian Raffi:
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