Speghani Choir Recognized Best Choir At International Festival Held


Noyan Tapan
Jun 12 2007

YEREVAN, JUNE 12, NOYAN TAPAN. With the support of RA Ministry of
Culture, the Speghani choir, laureate of international competitions,
was recognized "the best choir" and received a diploma at the
10th International Festival of Chamber Choirs held on May 25-30 in
Marktoberdorf (Germany). As Sarina Avtandilian, choir’s Art Director
and conductor, reported at the June 12 press conference, at the
festival the choir was included among the best 13 choirs of the world.

S. Avtandilian said that the choir had also took part in the European
Festival of Youth Choirs held on May 15-20 in the city of Basel,
Switzerland. "Conductors of various nationalities admired choir’s
performance. Straight after our performance in Marktoberdorf we
received invitations to perform on tours in a number of European
cities," the choir head said.

At Basel and Marktoberdorf festivals Speghani performed pieces of
Armenian sacred medieval music, works by Komitas, Makar Yekmalian,
Yervand Yerkanian and modern Armenian composers. In S. Avtandilian’s
words, foreign spectators especially liked Yervand Yerkanian’s
Sirius. In his words, Sargis Shahinian, Chairman of Armenian-Swiss
Association of Bern, expressed willingness to use that performance
of choir in the film about Ani being shot.

It is noteworthy that children of freedom-fighters who perished in the
Artsakh war are included in Speghani. In 2004 the choir received the
second prize of authoritative competition of choir music held in the
Italian city of Arezzo. The choir is the first performer of a number
of choir works in Armenia. Speghani performed on tours in Lebanon,
Rome, Milan and a number of European cities.