Turkey: America’s Only Honorable Exit From Iraq

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

American Chronicle, CA
June 11 2007

America failed in Iraq; this conclusion is irreversible. The pathetic
and ignorant leadership of the – statistically only taken as –
superpower failed to escape from the traps its supposed British ally
had long prepared for them.

America stands accused for although a great country, it keeps inhumanly
acting as if Iraq had ever been a reality – whereas the country was a
colonial technical entity, something a serious administration should
have drawn as conclusion before interfering.

America stands accused for acting in a criminal way – fashioned after
the colonial powers France and England before more than 100 years
– that perpetrates and completes the massacre and the genocide of
numerous Mesopotamian peoples to whose existence the US administration
fails even to refer.

Stop calling the Aramaeans as ‘Assyrians’ and ‘Chaldaens’

America failed to perceive – let alone outmaneuver – the treacherous
colonial attitude of disfiguring local nations by using false national
names; as the most indicative example, the Mesopotamian Aramaeans are
called either Assyrians or Chaldaeans. Both names are preposterous and
anti-historical. Assyrians ceased to exist before more than 2600 years,
and there is not a single connection between the Ancient Assyrians
and the Aramaeans who, misguided by the French, fell victims of the
colonial confusion that targets their own existence.

France averted the Rise of a Christian Aramaean National state in
order to promote ‘Arabic’ Barbarism and Islamic Extremism.

America failed to understand that France and Vatican plotted already
during the middle Ottoman times against the Aramaeans and devised a
great number of machinations to physically exterminate the Aramaeans
to the last. By introducing the bogus-national name of Chaldaeans for
the Aramaeans who accepted the Pope’s supremacy, the French divided
the Aramaeans to Assyrians and Chaldaeans, averting therefore the rise
of a modern Aramaean nationalism that would end up in the formation
of an Aramaean National State in Syria and Mesopotamia.

By Naming the Aramaeans as ‘Assyrians’, France prepares their Genocide
at the hands of the Kurds.

America failed to detect the French plot of misnaming the Aramaeans who
live among Kurds as Assyrians; as the Kurdish nationalism, promoted
in parallel by France, attempts to draw a continuity from Ancient
Assyria (another tragic-comical and criminal, colonial falsehood),
the Aramaeans who identify themselves as Assyrians commit suicide,
exposing themselves to either forced assimilation or massacre.

Treacherous French policies of two measures and two weights

America failed to catch the nuance that the murderous and inhuman
colonial administration of France makes big fuss about the so-called
Armenian Genocide, but remains mysteriously silent in front of the
case of the merciless massacres of the Aramaeans of the Ottoman Empire
at the hands of Kurds.

Apostate French Freemasonry: the Only Responsible for the Armenian

If America fails to have France accused and globally condemned for

a) its crimes – perpetrated through proxies – against the Aramaeans
in 1915 – 1916,

b) the closing down of the Nestorian Kutshanus Patriarchate at Julamerg
(presently Hakkari), and

c) the successive national extermination of the Aramaeans at the
hands of the Kurds, the British, and the Sunni Arabic speaking Iraqis,

America has no survival chance whatsoever.

Ignorance of Historical Realities: Reason for US failure

These are the realities the US failed to understand – let alone take
into consideration:

1. Iraq never existed; it is a bogus-term that disfigures the
Mesopotamia’s most basic historical realities.

2. The geographical area’s name is Aram Nahrain, and this is translated
in Turkish and other modern languages as Mesopotamia.

There cannot be other name, except one wants to open the Pandora’s box.

3. There are various nations, ethnic-linguistic and religious groups in
that country. Due to antagonisms exacerbated by the colonial practice
of ‘divide et impera’, these nations cannot live together.

They must be separated and freedom, democratic society’s rules,
self-determination must be guaranteed to all of them, except the
small group that, after tyrannizing the rest for more than 30 years,
proved to be prone to terrorist practices of the most inhuman nature.

Mesopotamian Ethnic – Religious Groups for a Canton -Building Effort

4. The Mesopotamian groups that have to be taken into consideration
in any canton building effort are:

– the Aramaeans, improperly and divisively called Assyrians and

– the Mandaean Aramaeans (not Christian Aramaeans as the

– the Turkmens

– the Armenians

– the Yazidi Kurds, rejected by the Muslim Kurds, and often oppressed
and terrorized as supposedly Satanists

– the Mokri speaking Kurds

– the Sorani speaking Kurds

– the Bahdinani speaking Kurds

– the Hawleri speaking Kurds

– the Gorani speaking Kurds (who belong to the Ahl-e Haq religion)


– the Arabic speaking Shia of the Mesopotamian South.

Only a Severe Punishment of Saddam’s Sunni Thugs will guarantee Peace.

5. No one can seriously accept to take the Arabic speaking Sunni
into consideration as participatory group in the arrangement of the
Mesopotamian affairs. The collectively guilty and criminal group of
the terrorist gang that inhumanly and perfidiously served for decades
the bloodthirsty dictator Saddam Hussein stands accused for all the
crimes committed by the fallen regime.

They acted as thugs of the same gang, exploited for their profit
the country resources, excluded all the rest from the country
administration, representation and economy, and shamelessly shared
all the decisions taken by their condemned leader, supported their
materialization and carried out the implementation in the most
meticulous way.

All the other groups suffered because of the tyrannical attitude the
Arabic speaking Sunni expressed towards them for decades without a
moment of regret or repentance. All the other groups were met with
robbery, expropriation, expulsion, plight, imprisonment, serial
extrajudicial killings, torture, mass extermination, without even
having the right to complain; the luckiest of them crossed warfronts
and terribly inaccessible mountains to escape fleeing the Hell the
Arabic speaking Sunnis methodically, cynically, and obstinately
had delivered.

If you do not punish the Gangster, you are not Christian, Mr. Bush!

6. It is out of the question that any situation will be remedied
without Justice being made first. It is anti-Christian, anti-Islamic,
anti-Jewish, and ultimately antihuman. Yet, for more than four
– idiotically wasted – years the US President and his useless
Vice-President comically pretend to attempt to solve the issue without
tackling the Sunni issue first.

Who would consider as normal that no one is punished in Germany in
the aftermath of WW II?

How logical is it to limit the Iraq trials to a few people around
Saddam Hussein and inhumanly let the Sunni group unpunished?

