Armenia Fund Is 15 Years Old

Armenia Fund USA, Inc.
152 Maiden Lane, Suite 301
New York, NY 10038, U.S.A.
e-mail: [email protected]

Armenia Fund Is 15 Years Old
Celebrating 15 years of nation-building in Armenia and Karabakh

NEW YORK, New York – The year 2007 marks the 15th Anniversary of Armenia
Fund – a pillar organization created after Armenia’s independence and
mandated with the vital task of uniting all Armenians around the world to
direct efforts toward development and revival of the nation. For 15 years
the Fund, with its 20 affiliates across the globe, has touched countless
lives in Armenia and Karabakh. Combining aid, development and direct
investment, Armenia Fund has engaged Armenia’s leaders, its people and the
worldwide Diaspora to promote education, create jobs, improve public health
and develop infrastructure, among other critical humanitarian needs. Today,
Armenia Fund’s contributions to social and economic prosperity of Armenia
and Karabakh are unprecedented.
The 15th Anniversary of Armenia Fund is a celebration of the past, present
and future of the Armenian people. It is a celebration of overcoming
challenges by working together. Above all, it is a celebration of humanity,
courage and hope.

Beginnings: Armenia Fund 1992

In 1991, after refusing to participate in Gorbachev’s planned referendum on
preserving the Soviet Union, the Armenian people went to a national
referendum with over 99 percent of the population approving the republic’s
commitment to independence. A declaration of independence followed the vote.

With that courageous choice, our people fulfilled a historic dream – the
Republic of Armenia, an independent state with all the privileges of
official statehood bestowed upon its citizens. Armenians in Armenia and
around the world, united in a historic mission of nation-building, pledged
to support the newborn Republic.

Despite widespread expectations for a smooth road to development and
balanced transfer to an open market economy, harsh days awaited the Armenian
people. The disintegration of the Soviet Union not only changed the
geopolitical landscape of the region, but posed serious security issues for
Armenia. The armed conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, which has not found a
peaceful solution up to this date, triggered a war in 1992 between the two
neighbors – Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The recovery from the disastrous 6.9 magnitude earthquake of 1988 that had
left over 40% of Armenia’s territory devastated and taken more than 25,000
lives was still a day-to-day reality. With more than half a million people
left homeless, the political instability both internally and externally, the
economic blockade from the east and west and an on-going war made recovery
almost grind to a halt. The situation was further aggravated by a deep
socio-economic crisis when, as a result of the transportation blockade, most
of the industrial activity within the country was shut down, factories
liquidated and basic energy supplies disrupted. These and other devastating
factors imposed a widespread impoverishment throughout the country, leaving
many of its people with little hope and desperate for help. A time of trial
began for Armenia, propelling the nation through intense growing pains as it
fought for survival.

It was under these harsh circumstances that, by a special decree from the
first President of the independent Armenian Republic, "Hayastan"
All-Armenian Fund was founded in April of 1992. Armenia needed to combine
all efforts and means of the Diaspora and direct them toward rebuilding and
strengthening the very foundations of statehood.

This mission was entrusted to Armenia Fund.

Initially mandated to meet basic humanitarian needs, Armenia Fund soon
became the united voice of the Armenian Diaspora around the world. The aim
was one – to correctly assess the core area needs for development and help
Armenia stand on its feet at a historical juncture of nation-building.

The Fund’s first major initiative was the $22 million Winter Humanitarian
Project, which alleviated pressing social needs, particularly providing
heating and preventing a humanitarian crisis as a result of electricity and
gas supplies disruption across the country. At the same time, the Fund
initiated a house-building program following the Spitak 1988 earthquake,
providing accommodation to those left without shelter in Gyumri, Vanadzor,
Stepanavan and Spitak.

The Diaspora’s help to Armenia was not restricted only to humanitarian aid,
but soon began to draw on major investments and a comprehensive strategy to
implement grassroots development projects. A moral responsibility emerged,
and many caught the vision – they could and would make a difference. Many
non-governmental organizations were created with specific missions to
address concrete issues. Armenia Fund USA, with its international affiliates
around the world and with All-Armenian Fund in Yerevan, focused its efforts
on providing sustainable socio-economic development through large-scale
infrastructure such as healthcare centers and clinics, major roads and
highways, schools and cultural centers, drinking and irrigation water
systems, housing and more. Further initiatives of the Fund started to
include more of capacity-building programs with a special emphasis on rural
development and economic revitalization.

Over the past 15 years, Armenia Fund has invested more than $160 million in
sustainable development in Armenia and Karabakh. This makes the Fund the
largest contributor to critical infrastructure projects in all aspects of
social and economic activity. Securing long-term development solutions, the
Fund has had an outstanding impact on the lives of countless citizens of
Armenia and Karabakh. Armenia Fund has evolved over the years into an
organization that has an unprecedented track record of affecting change. In
recognition to its development work, Armenia Fund was accredited to the
United Nations in spring of 2006, as one of the most credible international
organizations working in Armenia and Karabakh.

To recognize and thank the Diaspora for its 15 years of continuous support
to Armenia and Karabakh, Armenia Fund will hold a 15th Anniversary Gala
Banquet at the United Nations on October 6, 2007. Join Armenia Fund as it
celebrates the tenacity of the Armenian people and strength of the Armenian