Armenian Jews Are Deeply Indignant At The Interview Of Meir Bruk, Ra


2007-06-16 15:17:00

Representatives of the Jewish community of Armenia are deeply
indignant at the interview of Meir Bruk, Rabbi of the European Jews
of Azerbaijan, published in the "Zerkalo" newspaper on June 12,
2007. The Armenian Jews express their indignation in the June 16
statement signed by Rimma Varzhapetian, Chairwoman of the Jewish
community of Armenia, Gershom Meir Berstein, Chief Rabbi of Armenia,
and Willy Weiner, President of the "Menora" Cultural Center.

The statement is as follows: "If the mentioned "opus" were presented
only on behalf of Mr.Inanj, we would pay no attention to it. It is
another thing when this indecency is being made by the spiritual
leader of Jews of Azerbaijan". "It doesn’t become him to spread on
political topics, including the state of Jews in Armenia and the
State’s attitude to them". Moreover, it is not for the first time
he is doing this, the statement adds. He is completely ignorant of
these topics, but he may be carrying out a certain well paid order,
the authors of the statement note, analyzing specific quoatations.

Commenting upon the quotation that "Heydar Aliyev is the author of
modern ideology of tolerance in the state construction", the authors
of the statement point out: "Mr.Bruk doesn’t remember or doesn’t
know that continuing the policy of former Azeri leaders, "the father
of tolerance" did his best to help all national minorities (Jews,
in a considerably small number, fortunately) either get completely
assimilated, or leave their original places of residence <:> Where
is most part of Lezghins, Airums, Karapakhs, Tats, Talishs and other
national minorities of Azerbaijan, needless to say about the Armenians
of Nakhijevan?

The Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh had the same destiny, and
Mr.Brukappeals to return Karabakh to Azerbaijan".

"In addition to everything, the brutal murder of an Armenian officer
in Hungary by the villain Safarov, who has become a national hero
of Azerbaijan for this, also speaks about the policy of tolerance
conducted by the one on whom the "mantel" of I.Aliyev’s father "fell"
<:> Even in the hardest times of the Communist regime, Armenia was
one of the few republics completely lacking anti-Semitism and always
having respect for the national minorities living there: Russians,
Jews, Kurds, Yezids, Greeks, Assyrians, Azerbaijanians, etc".

Another quotation of the interview says: "Armenians see the economic
and political prosperity of Azerbaijan and they have nothing else to do
but follow this model". "Doesn’t Mr.Bruk know the European Parliament’s
opinion about countless violations of democratic bases and human
rights by Azerbaijan, ceaseless political and legal oppression of any
dissidence?. And save God Armenia from the benefits that, according
to Mr.Bruk, Azerbaijan will present Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh if
it gets back Nagorno- Karabakh.

Nothing is forgotten here: Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku, Karabakh. These
"benefits" are also well remembered in other countries, including
Israel," the authors of the statement point out.

"The Jews of Armenia are deeply indignant at the published interview
and they consider that these statements of such an official religious
person as Mr.Bruk have a sincerely provocative character, sow discord
between nations and contradict the policy of tolerance declared by
these organizations. We hope that Mr.Bruk’s actions will be properly
assessed and condemned," the statement says.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS