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The opening ceremony of Homenetmen Stockholm Club

17 June, 2007

Homenetmen Sweden
Contact: Hagop Khatcherian
Tel: 0046707461495
E-mail: homenetmen_sweden@yahoo.se

The opening ceremony of Homenetmen Stockholm Club

After several years of a club absence, finally Homenetmen Stockholm
Chapter made a very vital decision by opening the Homenetmen Club in
Stockholm, Sweden. There were almost 150 guests who came in order to
witness and appreciate Homenetmens presence in Stockholm.

Present were, the special guest of the day Mr. Hrach Maroutian who cut
the ribbon during the opening ceremony as a faithful member of

The ceremony started with `Mer Hayrenik’ anthem followed by the
opening speech by Brother Hagop Mardirossian chairman of Homenetmen
Stockholm chapter. Brother Mardirossian emphasized the importance of
Homenetmens duty to the Armenian young generation to educate them with
the spirit of the humble Armenian to give his outmost for the
prosperity of the Armenian Community. The speech by the Homenetmen
Sweden was presented by the chairman Brother Hagop Khatcherian who
officely announced the name of the club which was specially dedicated
to one of our `Fedayis’ during the struggle war in Artsakh who was
killed in 1993 Brother Shahen Meghryan. He spoke about the concern
regarding our new generation which has the difficulty of speaking our
language and promised that Homenetmen would do his outmost on
educating them our language, religion and history.

Our special guest Brother Hrach Maroutian expressed his gratitude
towards the Homenetmen Stockholm Chapter members for their fantastic
and hard work on creating the club which would serve not only for
Homenetmen members but the whole Armenian community of Stockholm.

Representative of Armenian National Committee of Scandinavia Suzanne
Khardalian talked about the importance of Homenetmen in Sweden,
specially for the youth to come closer in order to learn more about
our land, language, culture, history and religion.

Father Nerseh Khalatian Vice-vicar of the Armenian Apostolic Church of
Scandinavia accompanied with the priest of Stockholm and Uppsala
Father Norayr Gandjumian, expressed his gratitude towards Homenetmens
faithful approach to our church and promised to do his outmost on
giving the Armenian Churches role in Homenetmen by teaching about our
religion to the youth and the adults by creating a fruitful

The ceremony was ended by `Harach Nahadag’ which was followed by a
reception and donations to Homenetmen Stockholm Chapter.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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