Why Did They Convey Their Concern To Our Government?


18-06-2007 14:10:27

Anthony Godfrey, U.S. Charge d’Affaires, a.i., had stated June 15
the United States is worried about the promotion of the Armenian
and Iranian relation and has conveyed its concern to the Armenian
government. Of the Armenian officials the deputy speaker of the
National Assembly Vahan Hovanisyan first responded to Godfrey’s
statement. Vahan Hovanisyan commented on this statement on June 18
at the National Press Club. According to Vahan Hovanisyan, Godfrey’s
statement refers to Armenia as much as it refers to Iran. Vahan
Hovanisyan reminds that America and the EU have always understood
the Armenian-Iranian relation; they understand that our country was
in a blockade.

"Second, the international accusations against Iran have not been
confirmed. Otherwise, the great powers would not be debate their
attitude towards Iran. I think Armenia must continue to display an
independent stance because it is in our national interests. Besides,
the same representatives of the United States said they find it normal,
explicable, justified in the sphere of energy," Vahan Hovanisyan says.

He certainly says Armenia will never collaborate with any country
assisting in the creation of a mass destruction weapon. At the same
time, if the Americans are pushing Armenia to break relations with
Iran, I think Armenia should act independently, the deputy speaker
of the National Assembly thinks.